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Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon - Update 0.6a

by Hiddenx, 2023-11-19 10:33:54

Couchpotato spotted a new patch and some stats from Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon:

Stats from your playthroughs, hotfix patch 0.6a and 20% discount!

How many times can a horse be mounted?

Hey everyone,

We’ve got 2 things to share with you today. The first one is a good bunch of fixes in the newest 0.6a patch. It fixes quite a lot of stuff that you’ve reported since Judgement of the Excalibur was released, so be sure to read what’s been fixed in the bottom part of the post.

The second thing we wanted to share with you - and we’d like to start off with that - is our gratitude. The 0.6 patch was released to great reception and we’re super happy about that. We wanted to say “Thank you!” from the whole team engaged in the development of Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon. Right now, our recent reviews are 91% positive and we're rocking an impressive 81% positive reviews overall. Today, as a way of thanks, we would like to share some interesting statistics from the game in form of a video:



Information about

Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon

SP/MP: Single + MP
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: RPG
Platform: PC
Release: In development
