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The Sinking City - City Generation Demonstration

by Silver, 2017-11-16 08:54:57

DSOGaming report on Frogwares demonstration of city generation which will feature in The Sinking City which is a lovecraftian open world detective game.

Frogwares has shared a video showing the City Generator tech demo for its upcoming Lovecraftian game, The Sinking City. With this tool, Frogwares is able to generate a rich, visually varied, open-world city in merely a few moments. What’s really cool here is that when The Sinking City releases, Frogwares is planning on sharing this tool with everyone.

As such, theoretically, players will be able to create their own cities with this tool. And if the game is open to more mods, it will provide an experience that extends beyond the game. Hear that EA? No need for microtransactions or anything like that.



Information about

The Sinking City

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Historical
Genre: Adventure-RPG
Platform: Unknown
Release: Released
