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Unsung Story - Switching to PVP

by Silver, 2015-09-23 02:13:40

*Apparently Kotaku was exaggerating things enormously according to the latest kickstarter update which you can find in the comments. Thanks Gabriel!

Original Story below:

Kotaku reports on how Unsung Story has left backers demanding refunds.

The impressive Kickstarter pitch promised a story-heavy strategy-RPG that sounded like the Tactics sequel fans have been craving for years now. I backed it, and I wrote about it several times on Kotaku. Now I regret that. Unsung Story has become yet another one of Kickstarter's many disasters-a frustratingly opaque project that's apparently switched focus and has left tons of backers asking for refunds.

Here's the new timeline from yesterdays update:

Phase One June 2016: Initial PvP beta release for online testing. This will include multiple arenas and two character schools with fully functional game play.

Phase Two August - Sep 2016: Additional schools will be added, post beta feedback from the previous phase. Other online features TBD will come online.

Phase Three October 2016: Online skirmish mode against the A.I. will be added, allowing for A.I. balancing and testing that will include all of the feedback gathered from the online PvP beta game play. The Design and Art backer tiers will be involved with their respected character and scenario creation process.

Phase Four Post October 2016: While the online PvP beta testing is going on, the scenarios for the first two episodes will be blocked out and built, and the scripting will be adjusted as the A.I. is balanced from the beta feedback. When these episodes, along with character creation and item collection are polished, the first two episode campaigns will be released.

TLDR; This is down to the change to PvP over single player. Understandable.

Information about

Unsung Story

SP/MP: Single + MP
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: J-RPG
Platform: PC
Release: In development
