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Windwalkers - A New Action RPG Game

by Couchpotato, 2015-02-11 04:53:38

Windwalkers is the next game on Kickstater this week that I missed. The developer is called FORGE ANIMATION, and asking for $330,000 to fund their Action RPG game.


The Windwalkers project is a transmedia adaptation of the Sci-Fi French book “La Horde du Contrevent”, written by Alain Damasio (published by La Volte & Folio, published in Italy and being translated into english right now). We developed it into three different media: a film, a video game, and comic books. None of the individual parts can be considered a derivative product, and all three productions bring a different facet of the universe to life, that's what we called Transmedia.

You can also watch a few videos, and read ten more updates.

Information about

Kickstarter Games

SP/MP: Unknown
Setting: Unknown
Genre: Unknown
Platform: Unknown
Release: In development
