Wizardry 8 - Storming the Castle
Jay 'Rampant Coyote' Barnson resumes his tales of Wiz8. This time we're Storming the Castle:
The main floor of the castle was largely the same story - infuriatingly long combats. Rapax are minotaur-looking beasts which have some of the most infuriatingly boring combat in the known universe. They are - tough. Very tough. Most magic barely touches them. They hit like a ton of bricks. They have hundreds of hit points. And I usually end up fighting them a couple dozen at a time. I blow through most of my magic in each combat. Usually the best spells are buffs, heals, and insanity spells - since if even one or two Rapax berserkers go nuts and begin wailing on their comrades for a couple of rounds, It can shave precious minutes off of an hour-long fight.
Information about
Wizardry 8SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: RPG
Platform: PC
Release: Released