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Sunday - March 28, 2021

Indiegogo - The Boy from Dragons JRPG

by Silver, 22:43

The Boy from Dragons JRPG is available to back now on Indiegogo.


The Story

Allenstapt, a vast temperate planet, billions of years old, has declined for millennia. After a hundred generations passed, the creatures alive now have never felt a storm among their surface. Grass grows, trees remain staunch, but drought grips any who attempt to irrigate or farm the land. The planet's temperature has slowly even declined, with fears that a couple hundred years in the future, the earth they stand on may just simply freeze over. The cause of the slow calamity is known. Dragons, primal beings of pure elemental force and will, which have manifested and drawn unique connections to the cosmos' forces, are dying out. Patrons and Matrons alike, since the dawn of creation, dragons have created beings in their own image or to fulfill their objectives. Without them, all creation slides closer to the brink of desolation. Good and evil conspire to allow the spread of conflict and calamity to worsen and spiral further out of control. As a boy reaches adulthood and joins the Human Kingdom Corps, a military branch of human civilization, an incident forces him out of his old life and into a new purpose. This incident, which starts as a mere ripple, will become a typhoon across the universe; as an adventure spanning worlds unfolds. And the hope of restoring order to creation rests in the hands of the Boy from Dragons.

Why you should back this game

This will be a full-length JRPG based on its own full-sized book. The Boy from Dragons will have 60+ hours of gameplay with a vast amount of plans for side quests and battle system mechanics to give both casual players and completionists an incredible amount of personal enjoyment with each playthrough. This is a game that will leave a mark in JRPG/RPG fans' memories!

What it means to us

Its been 20+ years since I picked up my first game, the Legend of Dragoon from a friend. If I got asked today what my favorite games were I would list titles from Legend of Dragoon, Breath of Fire, or Suikoden series. Games that had an incredible storyline, revolutionary gameplay, intros that were mesmerizing, and kept it right through the game.

DRM didn't exist

In-game purchases didn't exist

Offers to buy 10 seconds into the game didn't exist

Alphas that last 7 years and somehow reach v3.123141 certainly didn't exist

I could also get higher than level 4 when I purchased a video game. -.- Monsters.

There was no emphasis on open world or crafting that turn the video game into a soup of spending days hitting rocks off trees to build cabins so that you can play two hours a day, and someone else who pays 22 hours a day can destroy it.

That's not how we enjoy stories, and shouldn't be why we enjoy games. The Boy from Dragons isn't about taking a leap back, its about pulling forward everything we love in video games and making it today's project, with todays technology.

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