ELEX - Graphics 2016 vs Graphics 2017

Had look at few streams and one thing that stands out is that the English voice over sucks! However the German voice over sounds "cool" even though I no idea what they are saying. I might play this with German voice and English sub!
Oct 8, 2009
No. Streamers are given early access. It is the full version, minus possible launch patch (unlikely)
Mar 29, 2011
Had look at few streams and one thing that stands out is that the English voice over sucks! However the German voice over sounds "cool" even though I no idea what they are saying. I might play this with German voice and English sub!

I think most of the voices I've heard in the English version are ok, but I don't like the main character's voice at all.

I might consider playing it in German, but I generally don't like having subtitles turned on.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Annoying but normal bugs. Industry standard has been for a long time "every big RPG needs at least 1 patch". Risen 2 and 3 were pretty clean releases, and Risen 1 was also quite okay.

I think you may be taking my comments very negatively (maybe not, but that's how it looks like to me). I loved all of the Gothic games, especially I and II and I am now playing through Risen II.

I was simply replying to the people saying PB didn't have any bugs. They did. Most got fixed, but they certainly did have bugs.

Can't speak about Risen 3. Risen 1 had minor bugs, but mostly little quirks, nothing major at all for me.

Risen II is not as stable for me as Risen I was, with several crashes to desktop (not many) and also some annoyances like the disappearing chests I mentioned. I learnt a long time ago to save 50 times per minute in Gothic games because of the possibility of dying a lot, so that has come in handy :D

Anyway, back to Elex. To me this game looks pretty good, but to be honest, I don't care enough about the graphics. I hope the combat goes back to Risen I style and that it's not all about rolling around like Risen 2.

I am happy with Risen I graphics, I don't need anymore :D
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
I was simply replying to the people saying PB didn't have any bugs. They did. Most got fixed, but they certainly did have bugs.

Except that no one said the games didn't have any bugs. Perhaps you should go back and look at what was actually said. ;)

I don't think there's ever been an RPG released by any company that was 100% bug-free. I'd say PB's games are in line with what's average. Gothic 3 being the exception of course.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Except that no one said the games didn't have any bugs. Perhaps you should go back and look at what was actually said. ;)

I don't think there's ever been an RPG released by any company that was 100% bug-free. I'd say PB's games are in line with what's average. Gothic 3 being the exception of course.

You mentioned game-breaking bugs, I explained the ones in GI and II.

Gorath came back saying that that was multiple generations ago and I should forget about them and that PB games are mostly ok now.

Just went back to this thread

Seems like Risen 2 actually also had at least one "game-breaking" bug (in "" because it's more really annoying than game-breaking).

Then of course there's Gothic 3, which is unmentionable, because Fluent said they were forced to release, but I didn't even mention that one until now.

So to me, PB games do come out with several game-breaking bugs, which they usually tend to fix after some time.
Again, love their games, but saying they aren't known for game-breaking bugs when their first 3 games all had them is a bit of rose-tinted glasses...

For me, the only game I have played from them without any major bugs was Risen I - from my perspective.

I do agree with you that the Risen series are probably on-par with other RPGs in terms of quality control, maybe even better for the amount of interweaving dialogue etc.
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
You mentioned game-breaking bugs, I explained the ones in GI and II.

I said PB's games aren't known for game-breaking bugs. What exactly is it that you're having such a difficult time understanding about that statement? "Known for" usually indicates that it's common thing. It's not.

Gorath came back saying that that was multiple generations ago and I should forget about them and that PB games are mostly ok now.

Just went back to this thread

Seems like Risen 2 actually also had at least one "game-breaking" bug (in "" because it's more really annoying than game-breaking).

Gorath was right on the money. Bugs are few and far between in PB's more recent games especially compared to some other open-world RPGs He didn't say they were completely bug-free.

So to me, PB games do come out with several game-breaking bugs, which they usually tend to fix after some time.
Again, love their games, but saying they aren't known for game-breaking bugs when their first 3 games all had them is a bit of rose-tinted glasses…

Their first 3 games? Now you're going all the way back to the Gothic series which was 15+ years ago. Not that it really matters because those weren't known for game-breaking bugs either.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Still selling organic Pitchforks and GMO-free torches...
Aug 13, 2013
Risen 3 absolutely had game-breaking bugs, too. Check the patch notes here. The last two items (Zacharias and the corpse bug) were plotstoppers. The patch came out in February 2015 while Risen 3 was released in August 2014. Good on PB for fixing these issues at last but that was ~6 months with game-breaking bugs right there.

This is the first time I've ever heard of that bug so it must have been fairly rare. I'd still consider the game mostly bug-free overall compared to similarly-sized RPGs.

I remember being annoyed that they never patched Risen 1 (afaik) to fix the bow and crossbow skills. Iirc, those skills stopped improving after a few levels even if you continued to spend points on them.
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Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
A day one patch has already been confirmed by PB. And, yes, the streamer/let's play embargo was lifted today so Twitch/YT are full of Elex coverage if anyone wants to check it out. There are literally dozens of let's plays and stream recordings online now.

thanks for the heads up. Watched a few vids, apparently some of the pre release players are unfamiliar with Gothic. I laughed when one of the lets play guys ran up against some tuffies and got killed three times in a row and then his comment was: "apparently this game is like Dark Souls and you're not supposed to go there yet"

oh well, . . . no more vid spoilers for me, just gotta sit tight for a few days.

BTW, it did look fun exploring that Elex world and an interesting UI
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
BTW, it did look fun exploring that Elex world and an interesting UI

I think the UI looks terrible. It's not going to affect my enjoyment of the game, but I really wish it didn't stand out the way it does.

*Edit* Just to be clear.. I'm speaking strictly from a visual standpoint. Hopefully it functions better than it looks. :)
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Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
A day one patch has already been confirmed by PB.

Usually, devs try to give the day one version to streamers in early access.
Now, considering how the number of this product streamers have plummeted, it might not have been the case.
Mar 29, 2011
This is the first time I've ever heard of that bug so it must have been fairly rare. I'd still consider the game mostly bug-free overall compared to similarly-sized RPGs.

I remember being annoyed that they never patched Risen 1 (afaik) to fix the bow and crossbow skills. Iirc, those skills stopped improving after a few levels even if you continued to spend points on them.

Risen 3? is that the one with pirates? I had to abandon it when I played it several months ago, I was in a sea battle fighting one of the big creatures (for like the 5th time) and after a tough battle the game would just hang, tried it again, again it hung (and it was a tough battle for me so that means I probably lost a few times before I won), at the third attempt I just uninstalled the game.
Sep 23, 2008
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Risen 3? is that the one with pirates? I had to abandon it when I played it several months ago, I was in a sea battle fighting one of the big creatures (for like the 5th time) and after a tough battle the game would just hang, tried it again, again it hung (and it was a tough battle for me so that means I probably lost a few times before I won), at the third attempt I just uninstalled the game.

I remember Risen 2 had a tough open-sea creature (Kracken like) that you had to beat to advance the story. It was kinda QTEy (almost as bad as the Witcher 2 krackenish) if I recall and while my game did not hang up I hated that battle. It was almost as bad as the game ending boss monster in Risen 1 (almost).

Risen 3 was very very Piratey. I can't recall any uber tuff sea creatures other than the one that was on the shore. But that could be beat once you advanced your character. When I think about Risen 3 overall, it might be my favorite in the Risen series.

I wonder what time ELEX will open up? I haven't played a AAA (IMO) game on day one in a loooooong time. Bought a few but not played . . .
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
I pay little to no attention to reviewers who are unfamiliar with a game's predecessors or a studio's products. I watch game play videos to see if it's a game I'd like and if the game play/story/hero is something interesting. I can usually tell by their play style and commentary whether the player/reviewer has any clue as to what they are doing or saying in a game. If I like a game, their opinion or recommendation means zero to me. Nothing.
Like Liam Neeson, I have a particular set of skills (requirements) for a game. I will find the game and I will play it. You can not stop me. You can not escape me.
So far, ELEX looks like that game.
Jan 23, 2009
Risen 3 was very very Piratey. I can't recall any uber tuff sea creatures other than the one that was on the shore. But that could be beat once you advanced your character. When I think about Risen 3 overall, it might be my favorite in the Risen series.

I think he's talking about those sea battles where you have to use the cannons on your ship to kill the monster as you chase it around. Iirc, there were three of them in the game with each one being progressively harder than the last.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I didn't find those sections that bad to be honest. In fact, I quite enjoyed the first two battles. I thought they were a nice change of pace.

The third one was a pita though without a doubt. I can't remember if I lowered the difficulty, but I definitely reloaded quite a few times before getting past it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Yes. He probably means those AC Black Flag wannabe sea battles
AC Black Flag sea battles are sea battles for dummies. If someone made that crap wannabe game where you can't be boarded ever, it's not a compliment.

Although AC:Rogue improved Black Flag garbage in every possible way, I suggest getting some Sea Dogs game already for challenging sea battles. Any, dunno what titles of those games are.
Sadly, I can't suggest Raven's Cry that much, while more fun than in AC, the system is not as complex nor satisfying as in Sea Dogs games - your crew skills in Raven's Cry are fixed and cannot be improved although the game is RPG.
Apr 12, 2009
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