ELEX - Graphics 2016 vs Graphics 2017

You mean obligatory reminder how pathetic and overrated that pile of unoptimized junk Moriendor praises a lot is. I mean, he played thousands of games yet got hooked on mainstream repetitive simplicity.

But okay, I adore asian soap series although all are de facto trash… Noone's perfect.

I didn't find those sections that bad to be honest. In fact, I quite enjoyed the first two battles. I thought they were a nice change of pace.

The third one was a pita though without a doubt. I can't remember if I lowered the difficulty, but I definitely reloaded quite a few times before getting past it.
The third sea monster was IMO impossible on normal setting in the release version - I set the game on easy while battling it and it still IIRC wasn't "easy".

Dunno what the patch changed, by the time it was out I already replayed the game twice. :(
Here's hope Elex will be that epic I won't be able to finish it in less than 100 hours.

The first two sea monsters were manageable on normal setting.
Apr 12, 2009
Well I completely forgot about those sea battles. Completely. Obviously it was a very minor part of the game because the bulk of my memories from Risen 3 are from turning into a parrot whenever I can and flying over the landscape. Also the jungle area just outside that seaside beast was very hard. Also the ghost ship and fighting off the dead in that area north (?) of the jungle.

And manipulating those pirates that were shipwrecked that weren't very nice people. And that abandoned temple that I believe killed a buddy. And that woman in that priest(?) city that was always on her lazy husband. Or that quest that I had to find the little buggers that were stealing the sea side supplies that I didn't solve until damn near games end. But some friggin sea battle with a sea monster . . . nope . . . strangely the old noggin just tossed those memories out to make room for more important stuff like when is ELEX coming out?
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
Looks pretty brutal and unforgiving like a Gothic.

I'm going to have to get this. :)

Is or will there be a demo to try out to see if my laptop can handle it?
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Completely slipped under my radar this. Given how much I enjoyed the Gothic and Risen series I'm guessing it's a must buy.

Might give it a week or two as I'm only in the second act in Original Sin.
Feb 18, 2015
So people should download the full product just to test it it works?
Gimme a break. Go pro demo or go home.
Apr 12, 2009
I was watching lot of videos and streams over the weekend and they all seems to give me Gothic 2 and Risen 1 vibe and that was enough to make me pre-order the game. Initially I was going to wait for the 1 month sale. Plus I am kind of bored and need a new game to get my teeth into!

Its pity that PH doesn't have budget for good animation and graphics but what I have seen is enough to make me pre-order.

Watching game play videos on you tube is one thing but live streams on twitch are absolutely boring! I can't believe twitch is big thing with people. I find my self, shouting "get on with it you stupid fuck" at the streams all the time!
Oct 8, 2009
Watching game play videos on you tube is one thing but live streams on twitch are absolutely boring! I can't believe twitch is big thing with people. I find my self, shouting "get on with it you stupid fuck" at the streams all the time!
Regardless of a game, that's exactly my impression - and the reason I'm not watching those any more.
Apr 12, 2009
So people should download the full product just to test it it works?
Gimme a break. Go pro demo or go home.

Steam refunding policy is meant to enlarge the market by allowing people to check the requirements on their PC. 2 hours is enough to do that, not much of anything else.
People can safely test the product and if it does not work, refund it.
A boost in sales.
Mar 29, 2011
Absolutely not. Who told you that? Gabe?
Man, if you do that frequently, it'll put you on the Valve's abuser list.

The policy is there if you were misled into buying something you don't want. I refunded only one game so far, and that's because it's not even close to what I imagined while buying it. It's One Piece game.
So I wrote to Valve this is not what I was expecting based on description, promo vids and pics and they accepted.
Apr 12, 2009
Valve collect various data. They have means to check this or that.

It is part of a market enlarging policy: all players do not have high end PCs and want to try a product before buying it.

Valve welcomes any return because of insufficient PCs. Because it shows that players are safe enough to buy and check by themselves. Before the refunding policy, players had to bear the consequence of buying a product they could not run.
A big hurdle. The refunding policy removed it. Players with doubts on their PC download a product and test it. It runs, they keep it. It does not, they refund.

It means more sales.
Mar 29, 2011
Dman, again I agree with Chien! Thats twice in a single day!

The refund policy is also to check if your PC can run a game else return. If you ask me, this is much better reason to return a game than "I don't like" it etc.
Oct 8, 2009
Valve collect various data. They have means to check this or that.

It is part of a market enlarging policy: all players do not have high end PCs and want to try a product before buying it.

Valve welcomes any return because of insufficient PCs. Because it shows that players are safe enough to buy and check by themselves. Before the refunding policy, players had to bear the consequence of buying a product they could not run.
A big hurdle. The refunding policy removed it. Players with doubts on their PC download a product and test it. It runs, they keep it. It does not, they refund.

It means more sales.

Exactly. It basically means that all those on the fence "should I buy or not?" people are more likely to buy it, because they know they can get a refund, but only a small % ever bothers with a refund. Valve definitely has data to back this up, or they wouldn't have ditched the policy.
Oct 18, 2006
It is part of a market enlarging policy: all players do not have high end PCs and want to try a product before buying it.
Will you please read some articles sometimes? Especially when I didn't reply with "in my opinion":

This is more than just short-sighted, it's flat-out wrong. Steam's refund system isn't designed to to be used a demo of a game. The official Steam refund FAQ even says that "Refunds are designed to remove the risk from purchasing titles on Steam-not as a way to get free games. If it appears to us that you are abusing refunds, we may stop offering them to you." However unlikely it may be that requesting a refund for Prey would trigger the loss of the ability to refund, that doesn't change the fact that Colantonio is suggesting that players should abuse the system in order to keep Arkane from having to release a demo of the game on PC. That's tantamount to saying that a car dealer shouldn't let you test drive a new car because your state has a lemon law on the books.

If you want to prove refund system is supposed to be demo, write to gaming sites please. Or Valve.
Because you're, IMO this time, suggesting people to risk too much.
Apr 12, 2009
They also allow refunds if the game is not as expected.

I have only had one game refunded (maybe 2), and that was dark souls because the game was meant to be played on consoles and the tutorial doesn't even show keyboard commands....

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
I have only had one game refunded (maybe 2), and that was dark souls
I knew I like you, but couldn't pinpoint why. Till now. :D
Apr 12, 2009
I think demos are becoming a thing of the past, after all you can see people playing the game on release day in Twitch, look for Youtube videos, etc. It's how I decide to buy or not many games today. It is obviously not the same experience (maybe the streamer picked to kill NPC A instead of NPC B) but you can see the actual gameplay and decide on that.
Sep 23, 2008
Sometimes however there's a certain feeling to a mechanic that can't be seen...

For example combat in the witcher and risen series are very different but you might not understand how it actually feels unless you try it

Sent from my SM-A520F using Tapatalk
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
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