Interview the person below you

@Jaz: Magma is great!! I saw them live 2 years ago. (And while we speak about old eurorock: Can!! Let's not forget Can.)

A: None, since I haven't seen it. (Is that cheating?)

Q: Is there anything Chuck Norris cannot do?
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A: Yes, but If I told you, I'd have to kill you!! :)

Q: Which (if any) world leader would you most prefer as the leader of your country and why?
Aug 31, 2006
A: The former czech president Vaclav Havel. Because afaik (I may be wrong) that after the communist regime fell, at first he didn't want to be president, but accepted because there were nobody else that could do it. I don't consider his later years, but the idea of a politician that doesn't seek the power is fascinating - back to the roots of democracy? As I said, I may be wrong. (And I don't want his smoking habits, then again: He was diagnosed having lung cancer in 1996 and is still alive, which is quite an accomplishment)

Q: I did write this "Your favourite guitar player?", but that's a rather trivial folow-up. So, What should my question be?
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A: Why does this thread seem to die slowly.

Q: Why does this thread seem to die slowly?
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