What games are you playing now?

Pretty much just started Original Sin 2 over the weekend, once I recovered from the flu.

Really impressed so far by the world details, in particular, the number of unique NPCs with their own crafted personalities, voice acting, and stories. But of course listening to all paths through their dialog trees makes for slow progress. And being able to multi-class customize your builds from the start really makes for so many options. Love that.

I am now wandering around Fort Joy picking up companions and doing quests. So far, nothing too hard yet.

Lead character is Fane built as a summoner / geomancer (and soon to be necromancer).

Was able to take out the turtles on his own before companions. Playing on classic difficulty.

I think this is my planned party:
Fane, as above, plus persuasion and animal talking, maybe polymorph for wings
Red Prince, fighter / tank - warfare / geomancer / barter / maybe pyromancer or huntsman or polymorph for wings
Sebille, rogue DPS role - dual wield / scoundrel / necromancer / polymorph / sneaking / thievery
Lohse, enchanter for healing and buffing support, and ranged damage - aerotheurge / hydrosophist / loremaster.

Will probably evolve as the game goes on.

Hopefully won't regret not having a bowman / hunter or Dwarf.
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Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I finally had some free time to install and play The Division. I only played it for about an hour and spent most of that time tweaking the settings and controls.

My initial impressions are mostly positive, but I'm not a big fan of the HUD. It has that typical gamey feel that's so common in Ubisoft titles. Follow the big bright objective marker to point B, complete objective, begin following new objective marker, etc...
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I finally had some free time to install and play The Division. I only played it for about an hour and spent most of that time tweaking the settings and controls.

My initial impressions are mostly positive, but I'm not a big fan of the HUD. It has that typical gamey feel that's so common in Ubisoft titles. Follow the big bright objective marker to point B, complete objective, begin following new objective marker, etc…

You can disable the mini-map - and quest markers are optional. So, you can just use the regular map to find your objectives, if you prefer.

Personally, I think the HUD is brilliant and extremely immersive for the near-future setting. But you can auto-hide most of it, so only relevant things are shown.
You can disable the mini-map - and quest markers are optional. So, you can just use the regular map to find your objectives, if you prefer.

Personally, I think the HUD is brilliant and extremely immersive for the near-future setting. But you can auto-hide most of it, so only relevant things are shown.

I don't mind the mini-map. It's just the objective marker I don't like. The one that floats around the game world. Unless I'm missing something, there's no way to disable it.

I find that surprising since the rest of the HUD is so customizable.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
After knocking out my Wasteland 2 DC play through last weekend I have decided to try to tackle some shorter games in my backlog before venturing into another long RPG. Finished Blackwell:Epiphany which I think wraps up that series for me. Great point/click series which I would highly recommend. I’m now playing Submerged, which is a little...underwhelming. It’s pretty but seems really shallow. The game is basically 100% climbing and walking across narrow boards to reach items. But you can’t fall or fail so I don’t know how much “game” really exists. I’m keeping at it solely to remove it from the backlog.
Mar 17, 2017
I don't mind the mini-map. It's just the objective marker I don't like. The one that floats around the game world. Unless I'm missing something, there's no way to disable it.

I find that surprising since the rest of the HUD is so customizable.

I'm not sure if there's a difference in the beginning of the game with the main campaign - but during regular play, you manually have to select your objective - and only then is the marker visible with the orange line guide.

If you don't select an objective, there's no HUD guide.
I'm not sure if there's a difference in the beginning of the game with the main campaign - but during regular play, you manually have to select your objective - and only then is the marker visible with the orange line guide.

If you don't select an objective, there's no HUD guide.

I'm not talking about the GPS guide (orange line), I'm talking about the orange icon that's always onscreen and shows you exactly where to go all the time.

Maybe it's just an early-game thing? I didn't see it in some of the YouTube videos I glanced at.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I'm not talking about the GPS guide (orange line), I'm talking about the orange icon that's always onscreen and shows you exactly where to go all the time.

Maybe it's just an early-game thing? I didn't see it in some of the YouTube videos I glanced at.

That must be the objective marker active during campaign missions and such.

I rarely play those missions anymore - so I forgot about it. Never tried disabling it - but I find it odd that you can't.

There's a mention of a HUD toggle thing here:


Never tried it myself, but maybe it works.
That must be the objective marker active during campaign missions and such.

I rarely play those missions anymore - so I forgot about it. Never tried disabling it - but I find it odd that you can't.

Yeah, I find it odd as well especially since they allow us to tweak nearly every aspect of the HUD otherwise. I'm sure I'll just get used to it though. I'm impressed with everything else in the short amount of time I've spent with it so far.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Yeah, I find it odd as well especially since they allow us to tweak nearly every aspect of the HUD otherwise. I'm sure I'll just get used to it though. I'm impressed with everything else in the short amount of time I've spent with it so far.

Glad to hear you're enjoying it :)
Started Inquisitor for a change of pace. I'm enjoying the opening town quite a bit - definitely an interesting concept. Not sure what I'm doing with the skills and magic schools though. I've gone with a Priest and I'm focussing on the "good" spell schools, which seems to be working ok, but maybe a melee class like a Paladin would have been useful for just smacking things with a sword.
Apr 13, 2012
Spent most of the weekend nostalgia-gaming.

Another thread inspired me to play NWN again - but I had to give that up due to modding issues - and I wasn't in the mood for non-modded play.

So, I picked NWN2 OC instead - which surprised me by being easier to mod - and also in how much I enjoyed it.

I came up with a cool build: Bard, Frenzied Berserker, Weapon Master and Red Dragon Disciple - and I reached the town of Neverwinter. I completely forgot that NWN2 allows 4 classes - which opened up a lot of interesting combinations that I've never tried before.

By manually forcing the refresh rate to 120 Hz and making the .ini file read-only, I managed to make it run smooth as silk on my GSYNC monitor without that awful mouse delay - which helps the game a lot, as it was always a bit clunky.

Also installed a few visual mods - making it look pretty good overall.

Aside from that, I played Mass Effect and tried to play "Renegade" style - and I reached the end of the Citadel before deciding that I'm just not cut out for Renegade style play.

So, I'm now going to play it in my usual Paragon style :)
I'm bored with everything right now. Old games, new games, movies, TV. Makes no difference.

So I looked at my older backlog and decided to force retry Vampire Bloodlines which I never finished despite owning it for years on GOG. I made it half-way through twice I believe.

I think I remember now why I never finished it, the controls with kb/mouse aren't that good and I probably stopped playing when the game turns more combat oriented.

Also, the game makes me sad, it's like the only real games that capture the feels of the original Deux Ex (although a lot more linear in execution).
Oct 13, 2007
I've been gaming like craaaaaaazzzzy recently. Trying to make a concerted effort to clear out my huge backlog... I finally finished my play-through of Wasteland 2, after 180-something hours - *kisses the air* - and obviously loved it. But, I do think the ending was pretty weak and felt very rushed. The best parts of the game were from well before, and were superb, and definitely reminded me of the best parts of old school rpg gaming.

I have also been getting close to finishing Doom 3, and really enjoying that as well. Also, have been playing a replay of the fantastic sci-fi/horror game Dead Space, fittingly enough, and also Wolfenstein: The New Order as well. About halfway through that one. But am not liking that there are too many "safe house" chapters/missions. BORING. But when they finally do have good first person shooting parts, am loving those.

As you can see, have been a busy gamer lately! :biggrin:
Oct 2, 2009
Pacific NorthWest, USA!
Still playing Destiny 2, but I plan to start I Am Setsuna soon. I just can't find the time to do it. T__T

Also tempted to plugin my old retro consoles and play some Mario Kart on the SNES/Famicom. Real life is getting in the way too much!
Jan 9, 2018
I'm still playing The Long Dark. There is a more rpg-ish story mode that's called Wintermute and then there is survival mode. Survival mode has 4 base options: Pilgrim, Voyager, Stalker, and Interloper. It also has a custom mode where you can tweak 36 different survival settings.

For instance; you can choose to have more or less wildlife. You can make bears and wolves flee or attack as soon as they sniff you out. You can change what distance their smell will pick you up, how much gear you start with, whether fire will overcome the ambient temperature, how much resources the map spawns with, etc. It has a ton of options for any game, and especially so for an indie. On top of all that, you can pick which map to start your game on. The easiest is probably Mountain Town or Mystery Lake.

Since I'm enjoying these survival games so much, I plan on loading up Skyrim with Requiem and maybe Fallout 4 with the survival mode. Should be fun. I probably have several hundred more hours in TLD first though. I suck! I think I've lived maybe 18 days once I upgrade from Pilgrim. Stupid wolves....
Oct 18, 2006
I'm still living/playing in Trails of Cold Steel, I've got over seventy hours in this game now and I'm starting to wonder if it will ever end. I'm sure my type of play is drawing it out, as I ran out of a dungeon recently so I could slap together a new weapon for my main dude. When the sequel is released for the computer, I'll be buying it the first day of release.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
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