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Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy - All News

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Box Art

Thursday - July 11, 2024

Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy - Update

by Hiddenx, 22:07

Couchpotato spotted a new update for Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy:

What We Were Up To

Greetings, friends!

It's the middle of the summer, and we believe it's high time we update you on Swordhaven's progress towards Early Access.

Many things are made, added, tweaked and changed on the daily, but the main features we feel comfortable telling you about are:

New locations and Random Encounter maps are a high priority, as they bring the world map to life. We have created multiple maps for every biome where you might encounter something, such as swamps, farmland, mountains, forests, and more.

Additionally, we are working on Grainhold village, which will allow you to continue quests from the first village, as well as discover new ones.


Saturday - June 22, 2024

Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy - Work in Progress and Patch 0.1.5

by Hiddenx, 19:11

Couchpotato spotted a new update for Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy:

Work In Progress + Patch 0.1.5

Hello, friends!

The work on Swordhaven continues. And as we mentioned during our Kickstarter campaign, we are currently developing a new pathfinding system.

Work is in full swing.

When it's finished, it should make managing your party, traversing through locations, stealth, and exploration *feel* much better!

At the same time we're tackling the World Map and all of the different encounters on it. There is still a lot of work to be done on map balance, visuals, and UI, but what we have at the moment is a good start.


For the new quality of life features, many of you asked us to add gamepad support, and that's exactly what we are doing. While the UI features are not yet 100% finished, the controls themselves should be ready pretty soon!

We have also made another patch for the demo. Here are the changes:

  • Fixed bugs with death in battle;
  • Fixed bugs with shadow settings;
  • Improved visual in Isometric Mode;
  • Added starting tutorial;
  • Fixed bugs with UI disappearing;
  • Dead enemies now clamp together for more convenient looting;
  • Added equip button for arrows/bolts;
  • Fixed bugs with loading saves;
  • Fixed a tone of minor (and not so minor) bugs.

The work continues and more news is to come... so stay tuned!

Yours forever,
Atom Team

Saturday - June 01, 2024

Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy - Demo Patch 0.1.4

by Hiddenx, 21:07

The demo of Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy got a new patch:


Greetings and salutations!

We are pleased to announce the release of a new patch/update for the demo. Most of the work we are currently focused on will NOT be included in this update, but it does contain a lot of fixes and some additional visuals. Which is always nice :)

  • Fixed game freezing when trying to rest;
  • Automatic arrow and bolts 'reloading';
  • Fixed issues with UI disappearing;
  • Fixed descriptions of some effects in battle;
  • Added burning effect in combat;
  • Fixed issue with getting knocked;
  • Better performance;
  • Fixed bug with NPCs disappearing;
  • Fixed a cutscene bug;
  • Changed duration of tonics in battle;
  • Fixed movement issues after loading;
  • Fixed portraits display during battles;
  • Fixed hit chance for throwing bottles;
  • Fixed cursor bugs;
  • Added technical description for some potions;
  • Paused enemies idle sounds when in menu;
  • Fixed some movement bugs;
  • Fixed bugs with language switching;
  • Fixed price positions when trading;
  • Added new item visuals;
  • Fixed a bug with open doors and house titles;
  • Improved combat balance with certain enemies;
  • Tweaked Sole Survivor and Level Headed Leader distinctions;
  • Finished Japanese translation.


Thanks Couchpotato!

Sunday - May 12, 2024

Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy - Done and done!

by Hiddenx, 09:00

The Kickstarter campaign ended, with it being funded as well as reaching its 3 stretch goals:

Done and done! 

The campaign for Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy is at an end, with results that surprised and humbled us all. 

The game we had planned initially will become even bigger and better thanks to your contributions, suggestions and overall support. 

We are extremely thankful! 

What comes next? To receive news about development please follow our socials and Steam page; To get us started working on interactive rewards such as the player portrait, please contact us via Kickstarter sending us the photo you wish our artist to paint; And of course, expect the Early Access release on PC, Mac and Linux as soon as Q4 2024. 

Thanks MaHAK!


Tuesday - April 30, 2024

Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy - Funded!

by Hiddenx, 06:01

The Atom Team has reached their Kickstarter funding goal for Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy - Congratulations!

Tuesday - April 02, 2024

Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy - Preview

by Hiddenx, 16:45

Splattercatgaming checked out Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy which is currently on Kickstarter:

A New Dark Roleplaying Experience From the Creators of ATOM RPG! - Swordhaven

Monday - April 01, 2024

Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy - 50% reached

by Hiddenx, 14:40

Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy has reached 50% of their Kickstarter goal:


Greetings, everyone! 

Ever since the start of the campaign your support was amazing, and it clearly shows as Swordhaven has reached 50% of its goal in just a couple of days. We're so thankful to everyone who pushed us towards this milestone!

PATCH 0.1.1
The amounts of feedback you provided for the demo, helped us patch out dozens of technical issues, bugs and performance issues, greatly improving the demo's quality. Thank you for lending a hand! Check out the patchnote here.

Last but not least, the questions some of you have been asking helped us create a comprehensive FAQ for the game. 


Thanks Couchpotato!

Saturday - March 30, 2024

Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy - Preview

by Hiddenx, 16:11

Mortismal Gaming checked out Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy:

Check Out - Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy

Thanks Couchpotato!

Wednesday - March 27, 2024

Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy - Interview

by Hiddenx, 20:58

RPG Jeuxvideo interviewed Alexander Chernyavskiy about Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy:

Alexander Chernyavskiy talks about Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy

To go with the launch of the Kickstarter campaign for their new title, Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy, the ATOM Team development team has been kind enough to answer some of our questions regarding their latest game. If you are into Swordhaven, don’t hesitate in checking its Kickstarter page! We also have a French-translated version of the interview right here.

Hello, and thank you! Could you introduce yourself?
I’m Alexander Chernyavskiy, one of the writers and game developers for Atom Team, a small indie crew of 10 guys spread across Europe, making video games. Our previous projects were the two post-apocalyptic titles: ATOM RPG and its stand-alone sequel/expansion - Trudograd. Right now we’re working on our third game— Swordhaven : Iron Conspiracy.

How did you get the idea for Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy?
Almost every developer has a backlog of projects they want to work on. Talking about ATOM, the idea of creating a Fallout-inspired RPG has been with us since 2008, simply because we’re fans of the series :)
The idea for Swordhaven came from different sources that I’ll avoid naming so as not to spoil some parts of the game, but mainly we wanted to try and develop something new and fantastical.

What are your influences for the development of the game?
I’d say our main role models are Baldur’s Gate 1 (as well as other Infinity Engine titles), Neverwinter Nights, and a mostly forgotten Black Isle project called Lionheart. That’s not all, of course. But to list every game that possibly influenced us in creating Swordhaven seems like a futile undertaking.

Since when have you been working on Swordhaven?
We discussed its concepts and mechanics on and off for a year and a half now, but the really intense part during which we created most of what’s going to become the Kickstarter demo took us less than a year.

What are your plans for Swordhaven?
If we get the Kickstarter support we require, late 2025 will be the time we’ll introduce our biggest and most complex game yet to the world :) Before then there will be a period of early access, when we’ll collaborate with our players to improve the game before launch.


(French version here)

Saturday - March 23, 2024

Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy - Kickstarter late March

by Hiddenx, 19:10

The Atom Team will start a Kickstarter campaign for their RPG Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy soon:

Kickstarter for Swordhaven in late March


The time has finally come, and we're proud to announce a Kickstarter campaign for Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy. The campaign is planned to start at the end of March and will feature a playable demo that we are working very hard on at the moment. This will allow every one of you to check out what our game promises before deciding whether to support it as a backer.

Here is where you can check it out.

While still rough around the edges, the demo will feature dozens of attack techniques, several enemy types, the first locations of the game including a village with many quests and dialogues, several monster-infested locales, and even a pretty well-hidden secret area for the completionists out there.

More news on the developments coming soon!

Yours truly,
Atom Team

Monday - March 18, 2024

Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy - Alpha Gameplay

by Hiddenx, 18:22

Couchpotato spotted some gameplay of Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy:

Swordhaven Alpha - Gameplay

Thursday - February 08, 2024

Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy - Announced

by Hiddenx, 20:24

The fantasy RPG Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy has been announced by Atom Team:

Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy

Swordhaven is a fantasy cRPG inspired by Infinity Engine titles - Baldur's Gate 1, Icewind Dale, etc. - as well as other classics.

You take up the mantle of a lonely adventurer on their way to the barely explored land of Nova Drakonia.

During your voyage, you are met by a dying man who trusts you with a peculiar artefact that will involve you in an adventure of a lifetime, and a plot that threatens everything you’ve ever known and loved.
Some of Swordhaven’s core features include:

  • A flexible combat engine. Experience battle as a tactician in turn-based combat, or hasten the pace with the real-time with pause (RTwP) mode;
  • A classless roleplaying system: each stat combination provides a unique gaming experience, distinctive dialogues, and novel ways to solve quests;
  • A classics-inspired yet modern User Interface with large customization possibilities;
  • A vast, nonlinear world filled with unique NPCs and multi-solution quests that reward exploration, always offering alternative approaches to satisfy any character build;
  • Dozens of hours of exploration, from quiet village hamlets to hidden temples of the ancients, horrid crypts, bizarre dungeons, and otherworldly locales…

Thanks Yemeth!

Information about

Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy

Developer: Atom Team

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: RPG
Combat: Turn-based
Play-time: 20-40 hours
Voice-acting: Unknown

Regions & platforms
· Homepage
· Platform: PC
· To be announced
· Publisher: Atom Team