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Beautiful Desolation - February Update

by Silver, 2018-02-22 13:52:27

Beautiful Desolation's February update announces Mick Gordon as composer and highlights the progress made in the games design. Lots of cool screenshots at the link.



It’s been a year since the counter stopped on Beautiful Desolation’s Kickstarter campaign...

That’s when the tough decisions begin!

Should we use the programming and setup from CAYNE, and merely add graphics for each new scene? Or should we innovate further? Well, after seeing (and playing) Pillars of Eternity we knew that the CAYNE system wouldn’t cut it! So began our mission to rework what we had done and rethink how to make this game incredible.

CAYNE and STASIS were focused on smaller, claustrophobic interior environments. Beautiful Desolation needs space to traverse - instead single rooms, we’re designing and building sizeable areas to explore.

We assessed what we had and examined how this would be feasible, or even possible, with a three-man team. Thankfully with the power of Unity, we were able to rapidly build up the new Desolation framework. It wasn’t long before Mark was running through large expanses with a camera that tracked him perfectly in a beautiful African landscape. The addition of parallax, fog and special effects has made the experience rather unique.

Now that the game mechanics and systems are locked in, the localities are growing fast and furiously and we are almost exclusively adding content and building puzzles.

Experience a scene in Beautiful Desolation:

Click here to explore the Overpass in Milkbush.

Information about

Non-RPG General News

SP/MP: Unknown
Setting: Unknown
Genre: Unknown
Platform: Unknown
Release: In development
