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Bound By Flame - GDC 2014 Previews

by Couchpotato, 2014-03-22 04:46:53

Spiders was showing off their ARPG Bound By Flame at GDC 2014, and a few journalists have written a few previews that talk about the current state of the game.

The first preview is from Hardcore Gamer, and the writer of the article ponders on whether the game is bound for greatness. Here is a snip of his article.

Bound By Flame is shaping up to be a truly great RPG. Assuming Spiders can iron out the gameplay kinks from their last few outings, and maintain the high aesthetic and narrative standards set by Of Orcs and Men, it could well be the western RPG to beat of 2014. The game is scheduled for release on May 9th, which happens to be my birthday. I’ve gotta say, Spiders, I’m flattered, but if you want to give me a birthday hug with your eight spindly legs, you’ve got another thing coming.

And the second preview is from PlayStation Lifestyle with a look at the game.

RPG’s are few and far between for next gen gaming this early in its life cycle, so I definitely had my hopes up when I sat down with one of the developers from Spiders Studios and got to see the game in action. It has a beautifully crafted world with graphics worthy of the next gen title and a frame rate that is said to fall between 30 and 60 FPS..

Information about

Bound By Flame

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Action-RPG
Platform: PC
Release: Released
