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Cayne: A Stasis Story - Will be Free

by Silver, 2016-06-08 13:34:35

If you are a fan of adventure games then you have probably heard of Stasis, a horror adventure game done in an isometric perspective and set in an Aliens style future. Cayne: A Stasis Story is a prequel to that game and is going to be released for free to the public. Backers of the kickstarter will get to play Cayne first however.



The story we'd originally planned for CAYNE was to follow an engineer on the Groomlake, who was fighting to keep the ship afloat. While doing so, uncovering the hard truth of what Project SEED was all about. She'd be hunted by Dr. Malan (you remember him), while on a mission to save herself and a friend, and end up with a rather familiar crowbar through the skull.

Another idea was to follow Yuri, as he was sent from pillar to post through the ship to secure an unidentified 'package'.

Story 3? An expectant woman who goes in for a routine surgery, and wakes up pregnant to term and disorientated.

That last story struck a chord with me. I've been in hospital before, and the 'missing time' aspect of it all has terrified me. Off you are into theatre, count back from 10, and then wake up a few hours later in a different room... You're at the mercy of a surgeon and the nurses. Deeply disturbing. Isn't that what horror is made of?! So those very fears felt like the perfect vessel for a story in the world of STASIS, right? From that seed, CAYNE was born.

CAYNE is a self-contained story. There are threads from STASIS, tethering the two together, while still letting exist apart from one another.


The decision to make CAYNE free to the public was one that we went back and forth on, but we'd love to introduce a taste of STASIS to new audiences. And how better to showcase our new engine framework (built in Unity 5) and what we can do with it?

So look forward to the high quality games that THE BROTHERHOOD plans to produce in the future. Alongside the release of CAYNE, we plan on crowd funding an entirely new adventure game.

(Don't worry, Kickstarter Backers will get access to CAYNE prior to public release!)

Information about

Non-RPG General News

SP/MP: Unknown
Setting: Unknown
Genre: Unknown
Platform: Unknown
Release: In development
