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Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Update #84

by Hiddenx, 2024-05-15 20:35:11

Henriquejr spotted a new update for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

Update #84: Cap Rising

Raised level cap to 25, +2 new Power Level 3 Armor options, improved Soldier's Blast Radius, improved Simstream Trainer

Exciting times ahead as we come roaring out of the major safehouse base building milestone and careening back into the regular order of updates, improvements, new content and more! With Update #84, we've raised the level cap by 5 levels, added 2 new Power Level 3 armors for sale from the newest contacts, improved Soldier's Blast Radius, and fixed a huge heap of F10s from the community!

A big thanks goes out to everyone reviewing, playing and posting. Hit F10 if you see anything odd, we are hard at work improving and fixing.

Level Cap Rises
With Update #84 and the big expansion of the safehouse, it is the right time to lift the level cap to 25. You'll gain an additional +1 Level Point per level. The next cap raise will include additional Talent LImit allowance.

For those players who have been grinding past the current cap, you will find that your XP is kept and used. You may suddenly find your mercs are Level 22 or even Level 25 if you've played out enough missions. Enjoy the new points!


Information about

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Cyberpunk
Genre: RPG
Platform: PC
Release: In development
