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Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - All News

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Saturday - June 22, 2024

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - New Milestone

by Hiddenx, 18:09

The devs of Cyber Knights: Flashpoint reached a new milestone:

Major Milestone "DOMINION" - Contact Limit Breaks Unlocked

Your actions now reverberate through the underworld and cause Contacts to evolve (for good or bad) with Limit Breaks

This major milestone unlocks another major part of the game's strategy layer as the New Boston underworld and its Contacts come alive in all new ways. It is great to see the roadmap design advancing with this - now your favored Contacts thrive while those you hate or work against wither.

Up until now, most of your actions have focused on their inward impact - money for equipment, Experience for Training, new recruits. And while you've been able to meet new Contacts and alter their Traits and Services through storylines, all of your game decisions weren't also echoing into the wider underworld and into your network of Contacts. Now, your decisions regarding Contacts, running or ignoring their missions, selling them high Rarity Accounts and following their storylines all have [i[outward[/i] impact and will feed their dynamic evolution - changing their Traits, Services and more in ways unique to your game.

Exciting times to be alive in New Boston! Let's check it out -

At the beginning of June, we threw down the gauntlet to ourselves to try to wrap up this ambitious set of roadmap milestones before the end of the quarter. We are smashing away now with the Agent EX recently out and the Contact Limit Breaks dropping today ... we're still in this fight with 10 days to go!

If you like our style of Early Access and how hard our team is working to deliver improvements, gameplay depth, new features and content to you on a very regular basis, we hope you will say "Thank you" to the team by leaving a review! It doesn't have to be long, and you can always edit it later.


Thanks Henriquejr!

Wednesday - May 15, 2024

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Update #84

by Hiddenx, 20:35

Henriquejr spotted a new update for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

Update #84: Cap Rising

Raised level cap to 25, +2 new Power Level 3 Armor options, improved Soldier's Blast Radius, improved Simstream Trainer

Exciting times ahead as we come roaring out of the major safehouse base building milestone and careening back into the regular order of updates, improvements, new content and more! With Update #84, we've raised the level cap by 5 levels, added 2 new Power Level 3 armors for sale from the newest contacts, improved Soldier's Blast Radius, and fixed a huge heap of F10s from the community!

A big thanks goes out to everyone reviewing, playing and posting. Hit F10 if you see anything odd, we are hard at work improving and fixing.

Level Cap Rises
With Update #84 and the big expansion of the safehouse, it is the right time to lift the level cap to 25. You'll gain an additional +1 Level Point per level. The next cap raise will include additional Talent LImit allowance.

For those players who have been grinding past the current cap, you will find that your XP is kept and used. You may suddenly find your mercs are Level 22 or even Level 25 if you've played out enough missions. Enjoy the new points!


Saturday - April 27, 2024

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Update #77

by Hiddenx, 18:26

Couchpotato spotted a new update for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

Update #77: Obligation Call

Welcome to Update #77, where we 

New Obligation Call heist and storyline, improved firing mode display, fixed Overwatch bugs, improved post-Carnivore end

have a new storyline and heist to pull with exciting new set of objectives. The new storylines focuses on an Obligation Call - a short cycle, high difficulty mission to complete the Obligation you've sworn to a Contact. Keep it in mind, if you're making promises, you'll have to pay the piper eventually.

We've also added a nice improvement to weapon display to show their firing modes, fixed a sneaky bug with Overwatch that had crept in and fixed some inconsistent behavior with timeline events around medical and injury time healing. So - let's take a look!

We're excited to be making continual progress toward the next major roadmap item. If you like our pace or the direction we are heading, be sure to leave a review on Cyber Knights!

New Heist: Obligation Call
Obligations are promises you make to Contacts in the underground. They are the reverse of how a Contact can owe you a Favor and will redeem it later for cash or to help you. So, when a Contact who you owe an Obligation calls it in, you've got a tough choice to make. Jump and do whatever they need without payment or burn the relationship to the ground and suffer the consequences.

This new heist is the first Obligation Call storyline, which gives the Casting Director a lot of free rein to find someone who you owe an Obligation and matches a wide profile of Contact. Then things get interesting. With Obligation Calls, you're almost always on a razor sharp timeline. Will you keep your Obligation? Remember that if you don't, the burning of the relationship will flow outward into the network of relationships, so anyone who liked or disliked the Contact in question will follow suit with their own Stress and Hype.

You'll need a squad about Power Level 2 and a Contact to whom you own an Obligation, but you start with a few of those - so most squads should be ready to rock on this one.


Thanks Couchpotato!

Friday - March 01, 2024

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Update #54

by Hiddenx, 17:34

Couchpotato spotted update #54 for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

Update #54: Battle Strike!

New proc-gen map and new proc-gen mission objective Battle Striker, improved Hacker's Rampage, better Stress/Hype rules

Welcome to Update #54, where we've got another expansion to the catalog of proc-gen missions and objectives that your team can get involved in. it's exciting to roll out the first pure combat proc-gen mission and this one has some more meaningful variations in difficulty based on who you are working for (rival gang vs. rival gang or Syndicate vs. mil-sec). We've also made improvements the Hacker's Rampage Talent, improved Stress/Hype/Discontent/Loyalty in prep for a big update that is coming any day for that, and fixed a nice pile of F10s!

If you're liking the pace of development, improvements and the direction we are heading with the game please take a moment to post a review.


Saturday - February 24, 2024

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - The Scourge

by Hiddenx, 07:46

Henriquejr spotted that Cyber Knights: Flashpoint got a new class - the Scourge:

First new class, the SCOURGE, is here! With a sale to celebrate!

Tanky shotgun specialist with a nano-hive implant can manipulate organics, fool biometrics, create poison effects.

Update #51 brings our first new character class to the game, a tanky shotgun specialist that uses their nano-hive implant to manipulate organics, fool biometrics, and create deadly poison effects: the Scourge.

With multiclassing, this increases the number of playable classes to 28 combinations! Tons of opportunities to find new character build combinations and try new tactics with your squad. We've seen some strong possibilities in playtesting and can't wait to see what you all come up with.


Sunday - January 28, 2024

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Update #45

by Hiddenx, 08:41

Henriquejr spotted an update for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

Update #45: Long Arm of Syndicate Law

New story event from D-Cartel origin story, improved cyber surgery rules, class tree improvements and your F10s fixed

Update #45 brings a new story event, improvements to cyber surgery replacement, class tree improvements and new upgrade nodes, some key UI tweaks requested in your F10s and more.

We had a few days break from updates because back at Trese Brothers HQ, we're hard at work on the next major roadmap milestones. Coming up will be a complete Tutorial refresh for stealth and combat (and Matrix to follow after) as well as an improved lighting engine, Mac OS support, and safehouse base building. We've got an ambitious schedule for Q1 2024 but are excited that we'll start really checking some of these big boxes soon.

If you're liking the progress and think we're heading in the right direction, please leave a review to help us continue! You can always edit it later to add more details or thoughts.

New Story, Growing Depth
With Update #45, we've added a new echo story event that can come after your Syndicates Debts origin storyline. The long-arm of the D-Cartel law is not easily avoided, so you'll find yourself scrapping to avoid consequences. As always, this will appear in new and existing games.

We're continue to work on growing the depth of the story simulation to the point where the Casting Director and the contact simulation can really start swimming. Without enough options in the hopper, the paths that Director can pick are limited. In addition, new key factors are coming into play from more angles -- Obligations and Head Hunters are all burgeoning on the horizon. With the latest storyline, you may find yourself with a few more of both burdens, and soon these will be joining the game both as a sudden and demanding story mission and as a dangerous and surprising threat mid-mission.

With Update #45, we also fixed an odd little story "miss" where your Knight wasn't being healed along with the story event where the Face and Knight discuss it.

Cyber Surgery with 6 Implants
We've fixed a common issue players were having where once you reached 6 implants on a character, you could no longer replace them. Now, while the other limitations are still in place, you have the option to try out new builds, swaps and upgrades for your heavily cybered mercs.

Class Tree Improvements
With Update #45, we've completed another big quality sweep on the class trees. There are so many small details, and we appreciate players who are pointing them out, discussing Talent and upgrade balance and helping us tune and tweak the trees.

  • We've improved the Knight's Interference Spike Talent to allow a second charge if trained to its max
  • The final upgrade for Soldier's Savagery that increases the duration to 2 now costs 2 leveling points
  • We've fixed a ton of formatting issues where you'd get a sudden negative stat (such as -10% Evasion) instead of the expected positive (+10% Evasion) if a Talent didn't include that stat (Evasion) in its original bonus set. This affected Aegis, JTAC, Entrench and more.
  • We fixed the upgrade node to the Hacker's Overclock that stated it was reducing the AP cost by -5 when Overclock already costs 0 AP.


Thursday - January 11, 2024

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Update #39: Dancing in the Datastreams

by Hiddenx, 18:22

Henriquejr spotted update #39 for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

Update #39: Dancing in the Datastreams

Major Matrix improvements, improved AI decisioning, new cyberdecks, better proc-gen hack missions, rebuilt Stress/Hype

Update #39 comes roaring in with major matrix improvements, important shifts to the enemy agent thought process while pursuing suspicious events (and fixes!), updates to proc-gen for hacking only missions, updated Cybernetics, 2 new cyberdecks for sale, better save slot read out and an improved roster UI for Stress and Hype (renamed from Edge). Obviously that's a lot but there is even more, so let's get looking!

If you're enjoying the pace of improvements, the style of the game or how we do Early Access - please take a moment to leave a review to help our efforts continue!

Enemy Improvements
We've fixed a number of issues with the enemy agents - such as stopping the random case where an enemy who heard your gunfire would teleport right next to you. We've also fixed a number of cases that could cause enemy agents to just stand around and do nothing for a few turns after starting to investigate some event.

Overall, enemies are better at prioritizing what events they know about which are most important for them to investigate. They are willing to hunt longer near an event if it is higher priority and won't give up looking so quickly. Overall, their reaction to suspicious events is improved and smoothed out and you will hopefully see less questionable behavior.
New Cyberdecks and Neural Toner Cybernetic Update
Two new Cyberdecks have gone up for sale with this update, expanding your options for Hacker's build and programs. Along with the boosted I/O Speeds, Active Memory and Storage, these two beastly new decks offer Cyberdeck Rating 5 and 6.

The Neural Toner - sold by a street doc after the Clinic Investment story has been completed - has received an upgrade that helps focus it more squarely on Hackers. The Toner now adds +10 Matrix AP boost and +100 I/O Speed. Ask your Cyber Knight for their credit card, Hackers!


Sunday - December 10, 2023

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Update #26: Shotclock

by Hiddenx, 23:19

Couchpotato spotted update #26 for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

Update #26: Shotclock

Overwatch alerts joins the group, fixing dialog giants and oddities, new and improved Power Level / Rarity sorting

Update #26 rolls out the final movement alert type for Overwatch threat ("You will be shot!" -- that's pretty important!), resolves some issues with the newly updated dialog character renderer, improves marketing and inventory sorting options, fixes different bugs with 3 types of high power Matrix nodes and improves the appearance options for beards and specifically for the hacker's beard. Update #26 is a great set of fixes and improvements, getting us ready for the next big Update --

We've been circling it for a while but finally at the point we can say "Update #27 is Proc-Gen"!

If you're enjoying the pace of updates or the steady progress we're making polishing and improving Cyber Knights: Flashpoint, we hope you'll leave a review!

Overwatch Alerts
With Update #26, Overwatch alerts now joins the bevy of other useful alerts for players. "You will be shot!" will be displayed along with the Overwatch icon if you're going to run out into an enemy's Overwatch and they will be able to see you at that position. This is extra helpful as (for the moment at least, boooo!) the Overwatch onscreen display does not correctly take line of sight into account and so it can be hard to see where you are really at risk if you're able to move behind sight-blocking cover or walls. This alert will pinpoint that exact spot.

Dialog Sizing Oddities
The new dialog character updates in Update #25 were a huge step forward, fixing such a long list of bugs but they didn't escape the lab without their own bugs. There are a number of situations, characters and screen resolutions that were causing odd sizing issues with one or the other character. Sometimes one character was so big you could barely see their abdomen on screen. Other times, one characters was just 8% larger than the other one. We've resolved a big class of miscalculation math and things should now have stabilized here. If you see any issues, please do report!


Sunday - November 19, 2023

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Update #18

by Hiddenx, 10:28

Here's update #18 for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

Update #18: Memories Long Past

New timeline event history, improved taking break between mission stages, improved cyberdeck displays and storage bar

Update #18 rolls out some key improvements for the timeline and your ability to look back on your team's past activity as well as a ton of new improvements throughout the game. While we're waiting a few more days for the first wave of Proc-Gen Missions to hit, your F10s and suggestions on our Discord and here on the Steam forums are keeping the update pipeline firing on all jets.

If you're enjoying the pace of improvements and updates to the game please leave a review - nothing is more helpful for us to keep improving and sharing the game.


We've rolled out our first community challenge for everyone to try and enjoy. Nothing strict, just a different spin on how you play the game to put some focus on a certain playstyle and get players chatting about meta and melee.

How long can you survive in the game only using blades? Sneaky, quiet, stabby? Check! Out ranged, out gunned, pinned down - hopefully not. Let's see what your sword-only team can do.

Timeline History
The small button to the left of the timeline (if you are on page 0) has now activated to show a history of timeline events. Events like cyber surgery, mission expiration, mercs recovering from injuries, and more all appear within the list. We need to keep adding more events to get full coverage but you'll be able to see a wealth of history about your activities already.

In addition, events that were previously invisible can now be checked out in the timeline history, like the specifics of a failed Legwork attempt, Trait mutations for your characters (as negative and positive Traits gain or drop in power level) and when Injury devolves into a true Wound. These events will soon have a confirmation pop up that makes such important events even more clear, but for now exposing them in the history is a big move.


Thanks Couchpotato!

Monday - October 30, 2023

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Update #8

by Hiddenx, 19:29

Couchpotato spotted update #8 for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

Update #8: New Story & Mission "Salvage Breakout"

First new mission of many, improved Sniper accuracy, rebalanced starting Attributes for Knights, fixed Blast Radius text

Update #8 brings the first of many new missions to the game. Salvage Breakout is a multi-stage mission but we won't share much more than that to avoid spoilers. We've also fixed some Talent displays, improved the Accuracy breakdown in the top right, and rebalanced the Attribute spread for Knight backstories. Plus a pile of minor bugs and typos!

More missions are coming, and coming soon. And we will be delivering the proc-gen mission system in November per our new roadmap.

If you're enjoying the pace of updates and improvements, please remember to leave a review and share the game with a friend.

First New Mission!
We're very excited to roll out the first new mission after the Early Access launch. Salvage Breakout is another team-driven mission and helps fill in the stories and history of your mercs. Our unique proc-gen story engine and the Casting Director are starting to do their work here, and you'll find that this story can attach to different characters based on their history and may have different characters - based on their history and personal relationships - jumping in to make their opinions known about team business.

It is very excited to see this start - and as more and more missions and stories come online, we can't wait to see what the Casting Director help you create.

High Ground Bonuses
The rules for Accuracy bonuses on high ground are now better displayed in the top right corner. If you're 2m above your target you gain +10% Accuracy and 4m above the target gains 15% Accuracy.  Use these to your advantages when you can - your enemies certainly are!

Blast Radius Display
The Blast Radius display for Soldiers was missing some text - this is now fixed along with clarification for rules that these bonuses apply to any thrown object like H.E. Grenades, Concussion Grenades and Shock Mines as well. The extra range can help you get even more effective bounces and the extra AOE blast of your customized grenades can get even bigger enemy clust wipeouts.


Friday - October 20, 2023

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Update #2

by Hiddenx, 16:12

Couchpotato spotted update #2 for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

Update #2: Spinning Under the Lights

Added feature request for zoom/rotate in enemy turn, improving the Wound system, adding terms/rules glossary and more

What a busy day, mercs! Last night's Update #1 tamped down on some of the most troublesome bugs, so today has felt a little less frenetic and given us some breathing room to get back to hitting some of the early most requested RFEs (camera rotate and zoom during enemy turns), working on the class trees (so many little things fixed!) and bigger systems like Wounds (improved to better fit the Trait mold).

A huge thanks to everyone playing and sharing. If you're enjoying the game and the pace of updates, please take a minute to leave a review and tell a friend.
Camera Rotate and Zoom
We've added the ability to rotate and zoom the camera during enemy turns. This gives you the option to better control the angle and keep things in view that you like. Combined with the option to hit H (or (Y) on a controller) to toggle character highlights, this makes it easier to understand all the action as it happens.

Wounds System Improvement
There has been a lot going on with Wounds - your mercs are getting lit up in combat, ending up with Injury Time and that can result in long-term Wounds. And currently, the good Doctors are not offering to treat those Wounds. We are working on resolving the jam-up to get the good Doctors working again but we've also made a bevy of improvements to the Wound system already.

First, we fixed an issue where the "Wounded" tag would show up on the Safehouse Roster whenever someone went on Legwork. Second, we ensured that Wounds are now sorted to the top of your Trait list so they are easy to see. Third, we just re-tuned the debuffs for Wounds. Previously, you were getting debuffs that were appropriate for Level 4 Wound Traits, but it's a bit early for that. We've adjusted the debuffs from Wounds to be inline with Level 1 Traits, which means that (while you can't heal them yet) they are not so devastating that you can't just ignore them and move on. Hopefully nothing bad happens, like getting shot up again or gaining a lot of Stress which can level up the Wound.

Don't worry, the Doctors guild says it will open up soon.


Wednesday - October 18, 2023

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Gameplay

by Hiddenx, 15:57

Splattercatgaming checked out Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

XCOM and Shadowrun Collide in a New Strategy RPG - Cyber Knights

Tuesday - October 17, 2023

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Early Access Release

by Hiddenx, 07:53

The tactical RPG Cyber Knights: Flashpoint will be released into Early Access today:

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Official Early Access Release Date Trailer

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint launches into Steam Early Access on October 17, 2023. Check out the trailer to see gameplay and more from this upcoming squad tactics heist RPG set in a cyberpunk future. 

The Cyber Knight's last hope for a better life is to step into the dangerous criminal underground of the New Boston Zone. As a Cyber Knight - an underworld elite with a powerful cybernetic spinal implant - you lead a crew of hackers, mercs, and malcontents. You’ll need to grow your rep, squad, and connections to have a hope of escaping this dangerous game - if the thrill of the heist doesn’t get you killed first.

Friday - September 22, 2023

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Early Access Release on October 17

by Hiddenx, 19:19

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint will be released into Early Access on October 17:

Announcing our launch: October 17th!

Early Access begins for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint next month! Here's what to expect...

Knights, the day you've all been waiting for is rapidly approaching. We're very pleased to announce we'll launch into Early Access October 17th!  The game will release for $29.99, and we'll have a 10% discount for launch week. Make sure you've wishlisted and followed Cyber Knights on Steam so you don't miss out!

How We Do Early Access

This is our 5th game released on Steam; we have a long track record of EA success, and it's become a core part of our process to make sure we're finishing the game with what our core audience (players who know and love in-depth RPGs & strategy games) wants in mind, before bringing it to a wider audience.

EA gives us space to invest more in the systems players find most fun and create additional storylines based on player ideas and experiences. In a Trese Brothers game’s Early Access, you never have to worry about an update breaking your save games and we guarantee the game will not linger in perpetual EA. We listen to players, add new content regularly, and deliver on our promises.


Thanks Henriquejr!

Saturday - September 09, 2023

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - August Progress Update

by Hiddenx, 08:09

Henriquejr spotted the August update for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

August Progress Update + Steam Strategy Fest

Last chance to play demo, Alpha V2 starting soon, final approach to Release Window!

Here we go - August has closed up shop and September is now open for business, the final month of Q3 2023! It has never been busier here at Cyber Knights: Flashpoint HQ and we’ve got a ton of good stuff going on. The game’s updated and expanded demo is live in Steam’s Strategy Fest, we’ve got Alpha v2 coming up and then we’re on to the Early Access launch.

Every month is a big one, and we’ve made major progress that we are excited to share. So, first let’s review the current demo, alpha and release details and then we’ll highlight a few major development and content milestones we hit in August.

Last Chance to Play Expanded Demo for Strategy Fest
As the demo has gone live in Steam’s Strategy Fest, we’ve expanded it and doubled the available play time. The Cube Run is now available in the demo, giving you a whole extra heist to try. As one of your first hits in New Boston, this job targets a new Warner-Braun NanoFab that is being setup as the German megacorp prepares its arrival to the New Boston economic zone. There is good money to be made if you can make the right moves and scoop the loot. But it is New Boston and 2231; secrets are hiding under every new NanoFab and megacorporate welcome mat.

After Strategy Fest ends, the demo will be shutting down around the end of next week (roughly, September 12th) so this is the last chance to check it out before the Early Access launch.

Alpha Version 2 Starting
As we wrap up our summer of demos, we’ll be opening the brand-new Alpha V2 to our backers. This will give our Alpha backers the chance to be the first to play the Early Access build and give us critical feedback before our launch on Steam.

You’ll be the first to play the completely unlocked Cyber Knights: Flashpoint experience, and we know you’ll help us improve the game even as we march to the launch date.

We are really excited to get back to regular Alpha updates, get the Early Access build into your hands and we’re proud to show off how much the game has changed since the last Alpha build.

Closing in on a Release Window!
We’re continuing to hit the milestones needed to keep on target for our Steam Early Access release window. We are grinding through the final burn-down list of tasks and are closing in on a release window for the start of Q4.

While estimates are always subject to change, we’re seeing the planets align to confirm we're on track for a strong EA launch. Launches are always a big moment in our player community, so join our Discord to be part of the fun from the very beginning and stay in the loop on special opportunities as the game's release approaches.

UX Project Continues
It has been a huge month of upgrades for game systems in the new UX design. The biggest on the list was Hacking which has benefited greatly from the work, including adding critical features like being able to peek back into the real world to preview which exact security device you’ll be disabling while hacking or which door you’re about to open.

The UX project has also upgraded major systems like your Contact Network and we’re wrapping up the market and inventory systems now.

Class Trees
As we approach the Alpha v2 milestone, we are finalizing the redesign of all of the class trees in the game with better tree structures, unlocking and adding more Talent choices for all classes and even more upgrade tree nodes that can change and improve many aspects of your Talents.

Multi-classing is now fully supported which allows you to take up to 2 classes for any character. With 6 classes in the game and each one boasting ~15 Talents, the options are already very wide and very exciting. Endless builds here we come!

In order to preview and share your builds we’ve added a full build preview screen that is capable of showing the specific order of class tree training across one or two classes. This screen will also be the heart of exporting and importing class builds once those features are available.

Production Prep
In prep for the production launch to Steam, we’ve been working on a wide variety of critical tasks.
First, we’ve been doing live testing of updating the saved game format to ensure that we will never have to break saved games due to an update. This is a pledge we make with all of our games and Cyber Knights: Flashpoint will be no different. So, we’ve updated the saved game format 3 times (quietly, without mentioning it) over the summer to test the system.

To cater to the wide variety of platforms and player preferences, we’ve been hammering away on the needed options for the game. We’ve added a heap of quality preferences like V-Sync, Texture Quality and improved the Screen Scaling option. For camera controls, we’ve added a number of options as well to allow you to lock the cursor, disable the action camera and use edge scrolling to pan with the mouse.

We are preparing to deploy an all new Cyber Knights: Flashpoint wiki. Alongside the Steam guides and our Discord, we’ll be here to get your questions answers!

Saturday - August 05, 2023

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Demo Update #8

by Hiddenx, 13:32

Henriquejr spotted Cyber Knights: Flaspoint demo update  #8:

Demo Update #8

Big package of fixes from feedback and F10 bug reports posted during Stealth Fest

Demo Update #8 is rolling out as a follow-up to a fun and successful Stealth Fest here on Steam. With so many players spinning through the demo and posting feedback (thanks for the F10s!) we're working through the list, sorting, fixing and prioritizing everything.

As usual, our first move is an update :D

F10 Submissions going bump
In some cases, the F10 reporter was saying that "submission failed". In these cases, we did get your F10s but we didn't get either the log file or the screenshot. We've made some adjustments that should drastically cut down on failure responses and have some steps we will take in the future to nuke them to 0%. Again, a big thanks to every player hitting F10!!

Stealth Fixies
We had some players report odd AI behavior in which a patrolling agent would casually pass by a body of one of their own if it had been seen by someone else. This was a nice little hole in the AI reaction logic that has now been fixed! We also fixed a number of other decision points and barks the

Lootbox and Talent Improvements
We've adjusted the size of the lootbox UI to make it easier to read, especially for more verbose items that were getting cut off. And in prep for opening up the training the class trees for a future demo update, we've added the highlighting to the Talent text which can show clearly which aspects - like Range, duration, and specific effect fields like buffing Evasion, etc - have been modified by your training choices.

Mission Polish
The demo jobs now have more representative shapes in the mission planning tree, which is a minor touch but is a great feeling to see it coming togther. We fixed camera movement and cuts in the sequence of looking at the Command HQ, planning a Job and then picking your team to deploy. This is now much smoother without any jarring transitions. Finally, thanks to your feedback we fixed some transparency issues in the screen that could make it hard to read under certain screen sizes and mission setups.


Sunday - June 18, 2023

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Preview @ Mortismal Gaming

by Hiddenx, 08:04

Mortismal Gaming checked out Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

Check Out - Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Wednesday - June 14, 2023

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - New Trailer

by Hiddenx, 14:19

Henriquejr spotted a new trailer for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

One week to our Next Fest demo; check out our updated trailer!

All new gameplay in our revamped trailer as we prep for Steam Next Fest.
In our last update we covered what to expect in the upcoming demo for our cyberpunk heist RPG. And since then we've released a revamped trailer for the game to give you a look at the latest gameplay!

If you have a second to give it a 👍 on YouTube and leave a comment, it's a huge help.

Tuesday - June 06, 2023

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - New Demo on the Way

by Hiddenx, 21:43

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint will get a new demo:

A new demo is coming!

Get your first look at the cyberpunk future of 2231 in our new demo for Steam Next Fest.

Knights, we're excited to announce Cyber Knights: Flashpoint will be included in the upcoming Steam Next Fest, an online demo festival running June 19th - 26th.

This will be the first new demo we've offered for the game in over a year, and it's the first big milestone on our road to release later in 2023. 🎉 All of the game-shaping feedback our alpha players have given us, all of the new design & UX work to make this our best-looking game yet, and several features even our alpha players haven't seen yet are all waiting for you to try.

The demo will offer:

  • Your first big heist to pull off! Find out how our turn-based squad tactics plays. See if you have the skills to use creative stealth, a variety of weapons, and the turn order itself to accomplish objectives in each map and get your crew out alive.
  • Six squad members in your roster; each brings a unique set of talents to your crew. In the full game you'll have opportunities to recruit new members, as well as access to multi-classing, extensive skill trees, weapon modding, cybernetics - everything you need to build out the perfect squads for your playstyle and the needs of the jobs you're taking on.
  • A glimpse of your main character's origins as a Cyber Knight. These elites of our dark future's underworld are rare and highly sought after. Knights have capabilities no one else in this world does -- but it comes at a cost.
    A first look at your safehouse; in the full game you'll have access to base-building features to expand this underground hideout, providing more opportunities to upgrade your team and expand your capabilities to take on bigger jobs as you make a name for yourself.
  • A preview of the choices you'll need to make in this shadowy world of mercenaries, secrets, and cyberpunks. How far will you go for a chance at a better life? What are you willing to risk for the extra credits or knowledge that could make a big difference for your crew? Who will you stay loyal to? Who can you trust?


Thanks Henriquejr!

Wednesday - May 10, 2023

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - April Progress Update

by Hiddenx, 09:33

Henriquejr spotted the Cyber Knights: Flashpoint update for April:

April Progress Update

Highlights of a big month of progress - animation updates, new Talents, AI simulation and improvements and more

Our apologies this monthly update has run a little late due to some team travel. April was a massively productive month with the entire team at work adding content, balancing, tuning and working hard on spreading the new UX across the game. We're getting closer to our big Alpha v2 return every day.

Another big month with lots of progress toward the next major milestone, Early Access release! So, let's check out some highlights from April!

Twitchy and Blendy!
Our animator has been hard at work improving and polishing the game’s animation as well as catching up on animation areas where we have been lacking. Three big categories that needed work were idle twitch, getting hit and dodging animations, which have now both been added to the game during April.

For idle animations, we’re excited to see how much it helps the natural feeling of all the turn-based actors in a level to have them looking around, checking their weapons and checking their corners.


Wednesday - April 05, 2023

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - March Progress Update

by Hiddenx, 19:03

Henriquejr spotted the Cyber Knights: Flashpoint update for March:

March Progress Update

Progress continues across the board with UX, L2 level pipeline, new game options coming online and more

Sometimes it feels like these late winter months go too fast. How is March over already!? It has been a very productive month with every team member hard at work on adding new features, creating exciting content, and polishing the game in preparation for the Alpha v2 return.

The biggest two internal projects - the UX implementation and L2 pipeline are chugging along. We’re definitely in the grind now, which is a heads-down “crunch” to the end but without the crazy overtime or deadline induced stress.

Another big month and a lot of progress - let’s check out some highlights!

New Game: Picking your Backstory, Origin Story and Team
This month we’ve made big strides improving the new game setup for the Cyber Knight’s alpha. Where previously there were few options and every game started the same, we’ve now introduced three sets of choices which combine to create very different starting points for each game.

The first is your Backstory, which tells the story of your life before you reached this point. Were you raised on the unforgiving streets of the Wards under a radioactive sky, were you brought up in the plush luxury of a corporate tower preparing for your aptitude tests or trained up as a milsec contractor?
Your Backstory will define some of your initial Contacts when the game starts, your starting Attribute package and many of your character’s metadata tags describing their faction, connections, skills and more. There will be numerous backstory options.

The second choice is your Origin Story which answers the question of how you came to have a Cyber Knight’s quantum rider surgically and irrevocably spliced into your spine. The first Origin Story in the game will be Syndicate Debts, in which you and your friends have pulled together everything you had and taken a massive loan from a Syndicate financier to afford the installation of a Cyber Knight’s computer. The stretch goal “Valkyrie Zero” and the Kickstarter add-on “Horizon Cypher” are both Origin Stories. There will only be a handful of origin story options.

As well as explaining your new cybernetic, your Origin Story sets up one of the big story arcs for the first act of the game and this story will include a set of Contacts -- be they friends or enemies.

The final set of choices will be to pick your team from a list of available character templates. You’ll be filling up the slots for your team from a few locked slots -- your team needs a Face, a Vanguard and a Hacker -- as well as a few free slots -- your pick of Soldiers, Snipers, Cyberswords, another Vanguard, etc. There will be numerous character template options.

Each templated character you pick will have a starting name, character visual (both of which can be changed), their own Backstory, special starting equipment, optional cybernetics and at least one Contact that they know.

As a sum total -- your Backstory, Origin Story and team picks will give you a strong starting foundation for your covert merc team and aims to deliver on classic tabletop RPG feels -- you’ll have friends and enemies, faction connections, a variety of skills and abilities and trouble already knocking at your door.


Saturday - March 04, 2023

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - February Update

by Hiddenx, 13:51

Henriquejr spotted the February update for the tactical RPG Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

February Update

Continued UX and L2 pipeline progress, controller/keyboard glyph support

We are excited to share February’s progress and development with you. The team has been hard at work ensuring that the game meets the high standards of Trese Brothers for quality, depth of systems, replay and world building story.

The UX project is moving along smoothly and the entire feel of the main stealth-and-fight mission gameplay is hugely improved. As reported last month, our level designers are working daily on the L2 Mission Pipeline to create compelling stories spread across impressively challenging and beautiful areas of New Boston.

Overall, it’s been another big month and we’ve made a ton of progress. Let’s take a spin through some of the highlights!

Alpha v2 Update
In late February, we shared a private stream with the Alpha team to show off some of the finished progress, some of the work-in-progress and some things we are planning to work on in the coming months. This stream update really focused on the UI improvements to the game and the upgraded levels.

It was great to get together with the backers and get live feedback on what we've been working on. The new features that are bundled into the UX implementation got a lot of attention and positive vibes from the crew.

Cont. UX Implementation
The UX implementation project is continuing -- it’s big and will go on for months now. Critically it includes major feature improvements, so it is not just a reskinning. The gameplay aspects -- easy of play and quality of feedback/hints presented to the player -- are improving dramatically with the project, all of which are key to providing the strategic planning experiences of a heist that is so key to Cyber Knights: Flashpoint.

We are closing in on finishing the main mission map changes and the next step will be to tackle the Matrix.

Cont. L2 Mission Pipeline
The L2 pipeline is roaring along daily. New stories are assembling and each demands that the levels it needs sign up with their 17-point checklist, ready to be reviewed in depth. In this L2 pass on levels, we’re focusing heavily on quality in every single level, being really picky and turning on our perfectionist cyber-eyes. It is paying off!

Improving Controller and Keyboard Support
The Alpha included enough control binding features and basic support for controllers for us to test what we needed, but it was far from finished. This month we have implemented a system we call control glyphs that are capable of representing any bound control in Cyber Knights: Flashpoint. A glyph could be a keyboard key, a controller axis, a complex multi-key binding with modifiers or mouse click. The controller glyphs can communicate the accurate glyph for your controller, mouse or keyboard and blend into a game’s overall UX. It has not been a simple feat to get the game to display your customized keyboard bindings, hot swap those to controller bindings based on your type of controller or handheld -- XBox controller, Dual Shock, Steam Deck or Nintendo Switch -- and back again if your hands wander back to the keyboard and mouse.

In February, we have cracked this one as one of the last major hurdles in first class controller support for the game. As part of the UX reimplementation project, we’re also streamlining controls, simplifying the way controllers work and reducing overlap between bindings.

Reward and Stretch Goal Progress
For completeness, we include the progress bar infographic in each and every update. If you have any questions about rewards or stretch goals, check out the graphic or reach out to us.
We’re continuing to work on and refine the design of the Digital Artbook pages and push this reward toward completion.


Sunday - February 05, 2023

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - January Progress Update

by Hiddenx, 09:16

Henriquejr spotted the January progress update for the tactical RPG Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

January Progress Update

Busy in the new year, continued Alpha pause, UX implementation progress, fuzzier stealth L2 mission pipe!

This month passed fast! With Alpha updates on pause and the workshop doors locked up tight, the entire team has been heads down working madly on everything from technical memory management to visual effects and level polish.

As we arrive in 2023, there are now 7 team members working on Cyber Knights: Flashpoint across design, coding, UX, animation and level design - so let’s take a spin through some highlights of the month!

As the team grows, so do the branches in our source code control

UX Implementation
We’re excited to have welcomed a new Unity engineer who is focused on the UX implementation to the project in December. With his help, we’ve been accelerating the conversion of the UX to the new design, adding UI features and improving the data flow to the player and also making it look great.

Still the project is massive - spanning the tactical mission map, Matrix Mk2 hacking and the safehouse with all of its interconnected systems. This is no small mountain to climb! The final piece -- the extensive set of safehouse wireframes -- just entered the final stages of visual design last week. However, the results are looking awesome; the design includes considerations for controllers and multiple screen sizes (TV, PC, mobile). We are getting nearer to completing the implementation of all the tasks for the main tactical mission map which would be an exciting milestone.

L2 Mission Pipeline
Throughout 2022, the level design team planned, designed and crafted over 70 levels (fun fact: that’s more than in our previous squad tactics game, Templar Battleforce). These levels were brought up to the playable stage and many of them were loaded into the game in the Alpha’s “Mission Playtest” menu while others have just been played by the internal team.

At the start of January, we engaged the "L2" mission pipeline. This second pass on level design includes a review of each level’s themes and its location within New Boston, integrating the level into the larger scene and surroundings, final level lighting, volumetrics and VFX, a close review of the level’s security, matrix and reinforcement flows, and finally optimization and performance testing.

In addition to all these improvements, during this phase levels are also being plugged into story missions — finalizing its scripting, special cut-scenes, complications and secondary objectives.
We’re in a good place with levels; the L1 pipeline, with thanks to all of our alpha players' feedback, has produced a vast trove of well-constructed "raw material" for this L2 pipeline to refine. Now that the L2 pipeline is up and running, it will keep running straight through Steam Early Access, loading more and more content into the game.


Thursday - January 05, 2023

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Happy New Year

by Hiddenx, 11:29

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint launched into its alpha phase a year ago:

Happy New Year!

Looking back on an ultra busy year and forward to the year of launch!

Wow, what a year! Cyber Knights: Flashpoint launched into its alpha phase January 4th, 2022. It’s such a natural time to reflect on everything that’s happened in Cyber Knights this year and to look forward to the next year.

So, let’s do it!

1 Year of Building With Our Alpha Backers
A scroll back through this year’s monthly updates will show you just how many milestones we’ve hit since starting the alpha. Players have helped us shape nearly twenty heist levels, over 100 class talents and hacking programs and a good 75% of the game’s intended features at launch.

Alpha players’ feedback & gameplay have led us to add a few new features to game as well. Some have been small but fun, like being able to hurdle fences. Other additions have been more core to what makes Cyber Knights unique, like the pre-heist legwork system that allows you to build your relationship with contacts, earn pre-mission advantages, and flesh out storylines taking place beyond the tactical gameplay.

On the tactical maps, feedback from the alpha has led to numerous quality-of-life changes and a major revamp of the combat/weapon rules, helping us iterate the gameplay to its most-fun.
We even got the chance to make a public stealth & combat demo available on Steam a couple of times this year, particiapted in the first TactiCon and were featured in the PAX East Rising indie showcase (an interview from the PAX floor is included below).


Thanks Henriquejr!

Thursday - December 01, 2022

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - November Update

by Hiddenx, 17:51

Henriquejr spotted the November update for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

November Progress Report

Moving to wrap up UX design, rolling lessons-learned from alpha into game, adding storylines and missions quickly now

Another month! The last quarter of the year always goes by in a flash. During November, we’ve had a special focus on wrapping up the UX design process, implementing lessons we’ve learned throughout the alpha process and adding new storyline content to the game.

There are always way too many dev milestones to list them all here, but let’s check in on a few!

UX Design Goes Safehouse
The UX design phase is beginning to truly wind down as our implementation phase is rapidly ramping up. We have a huge amount of UI work to do to make the game as beautiful and flowy as the designs but it is going to be very worth it. Most recently, the UX design time has been focused on the Safehouse and here are some of the latest drafted wireframes (not the visual design, just design of elements, spacing, organization, flow -- that is, this is not intended to be beautiful at this stage).


  • Cleaning out your safehouse for expanded operation
  • Shopping and comparing weapons
  • It's just Business with Origami Joe, an underworld contact
  • Planning your next heist
  • A plan comes together - paying bribes, calling in favors, running legwork and more

New Storylines
The game is growing daily and is a voracious beast for more content. Storylines, recruits, and new maps are coming online as fast as we can handle them. We’re very excited to be passing through some major milestones and assembling the most complicated story and heist content yet this month.
November saw the addition of a new “Deaddrop” storyline from your Gun Runner and if the month had another day or two left in it, November would also see the “Carnivore” storyline about a corrupt cop (the update is in final tweaks and testing now...). The “Undercutter” storyline can proc with a friendly Gun Runner who pitches you a hard to beat one-time deal to acquire a powerful E-Rifle weapon (more below).

These new storylines are also seeing your squad’s Face coming into their own as a powerful player in the strategy and story layer. The team's Face now appears prominently in your Roster, can access their Training and cannot multi-class. The Face is your team's negotiator, fixer and voice on the comms during missions. Their special skill tree is dedicated to the strategy layer and has no tactical abilities on it. In this new storyline, you'll have the option to use your Street-focused "Razor Bargain" ability to force the best deal even if it cuts a bit too deep. The new “Carnivore” storyline will introduce and see the first use of Milsec-focused “Hardliner” ability.

E-Rifles and IO-Chargers
One of the latest storylines added introduces the first chance to get your hands on an E-Rifle. This hi-tech class of weapons are mid-ranged armor melters with limited full auto capability (3 shots) and a penchant for Pure Damage and killing drones. However, E-Rifles have a limited number of reloads on a mission (all stages of the mission, not just one) so carrying one is a known trade-off and puts a lot of weight on your other weapon to work in more situations than not.

Tagging along with this new type of limited-ammo weapon, the new IO-Chargers went up for sale at your local Gun Runner which shakes up the item meta for Cyberswords and anyone planning to carry E-Rifles. The IO-Charger is a mobile battery unit capable of filling the current ammo bar of your weapon. For a blade with an IO-Batt, this completely recharges the blade and enables you to use another round of Talents which rely on these critical charges. For an E-Rifle or any other reload-limited weapon, the IO-Charger will refill the current ammo bar only. If you have 2/3 reloads for the E-Rifle, you can empty the first magazine and then reload it with IO-Charge to stay at 2/3 reloads.

For anyone carrying a blade (Cybersword or not!) or an E-Rifle, an IO-Charger is very likely to be a requirement in your limited item carry.

Alpha Lessons: Downed becomes Bleeding Out
We’ve learned so much over the 11 months of the alpha and are constantly reapplying that learning back to systems, features and content in the game. In November we had time to come back to an important system - what happens when one of your characters takes a deadly hit. Previously in the Alpha, this would knock you into a “Downed” state that required healing before you could take action again (you could heal yourself). We heard a lot from the alpha player about the reasons this wasn’t fun and were excited to roll out the new Bleeding Out rules this month. If you take a hit that would potentially kill you (reaching 0 HP), you get a surge of HP (up to 30% of your total) but also a nasty debuff, naturally called Bleeding Out. As soon as you receive any healing, Bleeding Out is purged.

Bleeding Out costs you 20 HP a Turn and will kill you if you are not healed - it is only a matter of Turns. The debuff also slaps you with a -2 AP and -2 MP penalty but most importantly allows you to take any action or use any Talent. You can run, shoot, Overwatch or throw a grenade. Our mercs go down fighting, thank you very much. Fun!

But consider healing yourself quickly or calling an ally for help -- if you take another wound that brings you to 0 HP while you are Bleeding Out, you roll your Death Save and are likely to die (see your chosen Difficulty here).

Creative Surveys Deadline
We have set a deadline for the completion of the creative reward surveys. We will be sending a private Kickstarter update next to be sure everyone sees this.

Throughout 2022, we have sent out Google Forms surveys to collect information for your Kickstarter rewards. Depending on your backer tier, you will have received naming surveys, recruitable character surveys, and/or Ally, Villain, and Heist surveys. If you have not received a survey, you believe you should have, please message us here, email or reach out to Liviana on Discord so we can make sure you get them.

We want to do everything we can to make sure that your characters and stories are integrated into the main story beats of CKF as much as possible. To ensure this can occur, we will be closing all of these surveys at the end of the year 2022. If you have not yet filled them out, please do so before the end of the year. If you have any questions about how to fill out the surveys, did not receive your surveys via email, or need clarification on what we are looking for, please email or contact Liviana on Discord.

This deadline does not include Encode Your Legend reward which has not yet been started and is slated for 2023.

Reward and Stretch Goal Progress
For completeness, we include the progress bar infographic in each and every update. If you have any questions about rewards or stretch goals, check out the graphic or reach out to us. We’re continuing to work on Digital Artbook Assembly.

Thursday - November 03, 2022

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - October Update

by Hiddenx, 09:19

Henriquejr spotted the October update for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

October Progress Report

Major Milestone Gunfight, UX implementation begins, controller support improving, refining the stealth game and more

What a spooky month! We’ve been busy with 4 major Alpha updates to Steam and hit some major development and balancing milestones for the game. Throughout the month we’ve worked on a major rebalance to all of the game’s weaponry to help all the gunfighting options have enough character and exciting strategic differences, extending the game’s scaling and Power Level system so longer games are continually challenging, refined the stealth gameplay, added story and dialog to improve the context of the game start. Now at the end of the month, we’ve officially started the massive UX overhaul project.

There are always way too many dev milestones to list them all here, but let’s check in on a few!

UX Implementation Begins!
The UX project has been a real beast -- it officially started in July 2022 with study of reference games, before launching into an exploration phase that resulted in large-scale wireframing of every screen, hover and interaction in the game. Now the beautiful visual design is complete for 2/3 of the game and with the latest Alpha update, we’ve officially started rolling in the first changes including a custom cursor that highlights nicely over clickable map elements.

This will be a long road to the animated, beautiful vision outlined by the project but the stone has started rolling!

Major "Gunfight" Milestone
After months of studying player feedback and reviewing all the combat rules and systems, we were excited to roll out a Major Milestone “GUNFIGHT” in mid-October to the Cyber Knight’s weapons system.

The goal of the design update was to further develop marked functional differences in weapon types which enable teams to push those weapons into niche roles based on the mods you install. We had been chipping away at this update through September but it was time to finish the rest in one big sweep. In this major update, we made major changes to the rules for:

  • Accuracy, including adding Glancing Hits
  • Full Auto, including ability to surge damage on single targets
  • Well, pretty much all the weapon stats actually :D

With changes to the fundamental rules for Accuracy, Full Auto and major stat rebalances including ranges, shot volume, recoil rates, Armor Crit %, reload AP, it was an exciting moment for players to re-evaluate their load outs and see how the new system fit their play style. A lot more weapons are exciting and viable for a lot more reasons now and the field of smart tactical choices is much wider.


Wednesday - October 05, 2022

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - September Update

by Hiddenx, 15:24

Henriquejr spotted the progress report for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

September Progress Report

UX redesign, difficulty systems and trait mutation rules paired Power Broker and Heist Edition rewards going out!

Another month and another major set of features and content milestones have been completed! During September, we released 3 major alpha updates packed full of features, improvements from community feedback and content. Two of the major systems that we wrapped up this month are close to our hearts: difficulty and Trait mutation. Both have drawn a lot of inspiration and lessons learned from our last game, Star Traders: Frontiers. In addition, the UX team has completed the visual design for the both the main mission screens as well as the Matrix Mk2.

As always, there are far too many dev milestones to list them all here, but let’s check in on a few!

UX Redesign
For a long time, Cyber Knights: Flashpoint has been living with a functional, if not beautiful, game UI. Working with our UX team, we’ve now completed the discovery, wireframe design and finally the visual design for the main tactical modes of the game -- the real-life heist missions as well as the Matrix Mk2 hacking you can engage in during a heist.

We still have the challenging task of bringing the full UI design into the game, but all the assets are ready, and we’re prepared to start this week while the UX team is moving on to a very exciting discovery and wireframing process for the Safehouse.


Tuesday - September 06, 2022

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - August Update

by Hiddenx, 14:25

Henriquejr spotted the August update for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

August Progress Report

New enemy squads, armor now for sale, more levels to playtest and rolling out story Legwork system

The leaves are getting crispy here as August has already come to a close. This month was a big one! We migrated the alpha to Steam and posted two massive updates with piles of new content and features. The UX team is wrapping up the visual design for the main mission screens while 1-2 new levels are coming through the level design production pipeline every week. Everything is moving along at a very steady clip and the entire team is heads down on loading up the game with exciting content and new progression of play.

There are far too many dev milestones to list them here in a single update -- but let’s hit a few high points!

Progression, Enemy Variety, and Alpha Playtest Missions
Throughout the month of August, we’ve been hard at work building out content sets to help establish the game’s progression beyond the first few upgrades and levels. In August, this included doubling the maximum length of a single game from 50 to 100 days, raising the maximum character level to 14, adding multiple levels of armor to be purchased from Contacts and adding a new storyline to introduce the concept of Legwork.

Legwork is a story system that represents any type of challenge, assignment or task that isn’t part of a tactical heist. Derived from tabletop RPGs, legwork could be the type of work you do before a heist such as casing the joint, following a target, forging some IDs or afterwards, like finding a fence or sinking something you need hidden to the bottom of the New Boston harbor. Legwork always takes some time and your mercs qualify for different types of Legwork based on their backstories, traits and tags -- making who you know, where you’ve come from and what soft skills you have very important. For example, a merc with a history in the Fenian gang, who crewed an Atlantic cargo ship or who did a stint working at the dockyard might know where to sink that precious package under the harbor’s black water. Legwork is a key glue we’ll be using to hold the storylines together, to build relationships with Contacts and to bring the city to life.

The next step for progression was to add a big dose of variety to the enemy spawn system and allow for more exciting squads of enemies to spawn. These new squads are custom designed to present a coherent type of challenge on the battlefield and often feature a captain along with different types of enemies who work well together. Their specialized roles will be even more clear as all enemies are now using Talents beyond Overwatch, including buffs, debuffs, (occasionally) heals and laying down their own types of covering fire.

In order to get faster feedback on new levels being designed for the game, we’ve added the Mission Playtest program, which gives alpha players the option to play a (rapidly growing) number of missions disconnected from their larger story or heist context. These playtest missions are rough cuts with basic lighting and simplified objectives. But they give us an important opportunity for our level design team to gather valuable insight into how they are playing at large before they are finished and integrated into their storylines.

Story System Dynamics
August also saw the final major pieces of the story system connected and working. We’ve finished modeling exactly how the complex web of backstories, factions and relationships of all types will work to ensure they are tracked and useful to the story system. The game is constantly applying metadata tags to track everything about your choices and characters and now can also allow for multiple faction relationships (hates, loves, ex, betrayed, hunted by), as well as multiple personal relationships (sibling, parent, ex-lover, hates, friend).
The casting director component which is in charge of selecting characters to slot into each storyline can use these fine-grained details and match targets by their faction at multiple scopes (Matsumoto backstory or more generally, any Megacorp backstory) as well as character or contact pairs (a pair of siblings, a character and contact who hate each other or 2 characters with milsec backstories and on and on). These final features for the story system are going to allow us to weave the most emergent and interesting types of storylines that are dependent on your past, your relationships old and new and your choices as the game spirals.

Steam Playtest Success!
We migrated the entire alpha from Microsoft AppCenter to Steam Playtest during August and it has been a major success. The wins are trifold -- for our team, the build process (build, upload, process, distribute) is much faster and the player experience is much easier (incremental downloads in your Steam client, often automatically). Finally, the game is now fully ready for Steam and integrated with its SDK.

Creator & Backstory Surveys
Last month, the surveys for Creator and Backstory Edition tiers ($250 and $500) went out and we’ve received over half the results already. Cory and I personally review each of the incoming responses and then set to work on planning just how your unique character will fit into the game and larger story landscape. The input from the alpha players who pledged up to these two tiers has been stellar and we’re enjoying every new entry.
If you haven’t received a survey email but should have, please reach out to us here or email

Upcoming: Power-Broker & Heist Rewards
The next set of creative rewards due to open up for input in September are those for the Power-Broker and Heist tiers. There are in total 23 Power-Brokers with 7 of those being linked to major Heist as well. We’re gathering this creative input as early as possible so we can find ways to tie them tightly to the larger game storylines everywhere we can to ensure these special contact creations are highly integrated and important.

Reward and Stretch Goal Progress
For completeness, we include the progress bar infographic in each and every update. If you have any questions about rewards or stretch goals, check out the graphic or reach out to us. The latest change was sending out the surveys for the two recruitment reward tiers -- Creator and Backstory Editions -- and our next major move is gathering creative feedback for the Power-Broker and Heist creative rewards, so keep an eye on your inbox for these emails later this month.

Friday - July 22, 2022

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - July: Alpha Update

by Hiddenx, 14:39

Henriquejr spotted the July update for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

July: Alpha Update

New reward surveys sent + mid-summer check in on the progress of the alpha!

This month’s update is a look at the Alpha -- how far we’ve come, where we are at, and what is in store next for the 1000+ alpha players helping us shape Cyber Knights: Flashpoint into a release-ready game.
Summer Checkpoint
The CK:F alpha started in early January of this year. Since then, we have gone through multiple major cycles of expansion -- new levels, new systems, new stories, hacking (!!), new classes -- followed by periods of rebalance and consolidation. The alpha backers have played thousands of games, submitted thousands of feedback and bug reports and pushed hundreds of thousands of events about levels, talents, and more into our analytics.

At this mid-summer moment in the alpha, we’ve been in another rebalance and consolidation phase. It’s been a good time for it; while the game is still getting a lot of play daily, we are seeing a clear summer vacation dip 😄 – hope you’re all enjoying them!

We’re currently preparing a major new content push of story, recruits and the Sniper class for our next expansion phase. With each passing month, the alpha’s scope is increasing to reach the game’s full scope; our pace of adding content will be rising.


Saturday - July 02, 2022

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - June Progress Report

by Hiddenx, 20:53

Henriquejr spotted the newest progress report for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

June Progress Report

Security system rebuild, official UX design, content pipeline is packed, new animation options

June has roared by in a flurry of work and progress. The alpha’s received two big new updates, from which we are gathering piles of great feedback and play statistics. Our goal is to finish implementing the final feature sets in July, which will help get the entire team free to create content and polish for another big (months long!!) push – stretching for that 40+ hour goal for the game.

Launch Planning
We'll start with the most exciting news first: we’re closing in on a launch window! All of our backers' alpha participation has been hugely helpful in driving this forward – the gameplay feedback, rapid bug squashing, and clever ideas that have flooded into the Discord have been excellent. While we haven’t set a specific date yet, we can now say with confidence that Cyber Knights: Flashpoint will release to Steam Early Access in early 2023.

Security System Rebuild
A big improvement to the game this month was a rebuild of the game’s central security AI. The original security system was feeling too inflexible between levels and the security escalations being tested were limited to more enemy reinforcements arriving. With the rebuild, we’ve allowed every level to define its own security parameters – some levels can have lax security while others are touchy and quick to react; the worst can pop off escalations every turn.
In addition to customizing the pacing of security escalations level-by-level, we’ve also greatly expanded the tools security AIs have at their disposal to make your life... interesting. Reinforcements are still a key event, but the AI now has the ability to reset all disabled security devices, to increase its own security escalation rate, to enable the lethal setting on some security features or to buff all its troops. This has opened up a wide area for future expansion that will help differentiate megacorps and street gangs, giving each their own escalation profiles and powers.


Sunday - May 01, 2022

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - April Progress and PAX East Report

by Hiddenx, 17:31

Henriquejr spotted the last progress report for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

April Progress + PAX East Report

We’re back from the PAX Rising indie showcase at PAX East, where we had a pleasure to meet a number of you in-person and show off an exciting heist demo. Thanks for stopping by, checking out the game you’ve funded or in some cases, stomping the demo with your alpha know-how :D

We’ve been ripping along, adding content, maps and wrapping up implementation of the game’s systems throughout April. Let’s get into this status update!

Check Out Latest Studio Chat
We just held another live Q&A Studio Chat on our Discord, sharing our experiences, funny stories and demo tales from PAX East, plus answering hard hitting questions like “coffee or tea” lol --


Thank you to everyone who joined us during the Studio Chat and we hope that everyone enjoys the recording. We will be doing more Studio Chats in the future, so keep an eye out for the announcements.


Wednesday - April 20, 2022

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - New Demo at PAX East 2022

by Hiddenx, 17:28

The Trese Brothers will show a new Cyber Knights: Flashpoint demo at PAX East 2022:

New Cyber Knights demo and exclusives at PAX East 2022!

Featured in the PAX Rising Showcase, we'll be there all weekend.
We're thrilled to be headed back to PAX this year, selected by the PAX team for a featured spot in the PAX Rising Showcase.

Even if you're not going to PAX, this means more in store for you, including a new studio chat in Discord next week, and a giveaway of one of these awesome Cyber Knights posters:

Follow @TreseBrothers on twitter for some sights from the show, or the new Cyber Knights instagram for even more!

What we have in store for you...

Your Knight has been captured! You'll get to choose from three versions of the Vanguard in a tense rescue and extraction mission.

We're looking forward to seeing all the ways players make it through (or crash and burn) this heist -- if they get all squad members (you'll be up to 3 by the end) out alive, and which of them will be needing emergency cyber-surgery by the end. The alpha crew has already provided some great feedback, and we're hoping PAX will be the perfect place to get the game in front of a whole new set of strategy RPG fans.

We'll also have at least two more chances for you to win a Cyber Knights poster, plus a photo opportunity you've already been asking for without even knowing it.

Going to be there? Find us in the PAX Rising section, booth #13091

Thanks Henriquejr!

Friday - April 01, 2022

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - March Progress

by Hiddenx, 15:00

Henriquejr spotted a progress update for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint:

March Progress + Featured in PAX East Rising Showcase

Featured in PAX Rising @ PAX East + Upcoming public studio chat on Discord + Matrix Mk2news

It has been a busy 3 months since we launched the alpha in January. With 5 Phases and 12 updates under our belt, hundreds of Knights have tested out these early versions of the game. We’re getting daily input, suggestions and bug reports and are working constantly to improve Flashpoint.
Now, on to this month’s progress update!

Public Studio Chat
We are excited to announce that we will be doing a public “Studio Chat” Tuesday, April 5th, 2022 at 9pm EDT. Studio Chats are our version of a Reddit AMA -- post your questions in advance and we'll answer them live that evening! Cory and I will be chatting in a voice channel on our Discord to answer your questions, hang out and talk about CKF, STF and all things Trese Brothers.

If you’re able join us, the voice channel will open shortly before 9:00 pm Eastern. The Studio Chat will run about 1 hour and will be recorded so we will post a link in a future Kickstarter update.

If you have a question you’d like answered during the chat, post it in the #studio_chat channel on our Discord beforehand (start it with “studio chat q:” please, and feel free to add react emojis to other questions you like).

Hope to see you there!

PAX Rising Showcase at PAX East
Speaking of “hope to see you there!” -- we’re going to PAX East 2022! We are thrilled to announce that we’re one of 12 indie games being featured in the PAX Rising Showcase at PAX East this April. We’re very excited to be back at PAX again. It’s been too long!

We'll be in the PAX Rising booth and you can come and play the demo any day of the show. Come hang out, we can't wait to see you there. You can learn more about the PAX Rising Showcase and all of the games that will be a part of it at

Alpha Phase 5
Over 3 months, we’ve cranked through 5 major phases of the alpha -- initial gameplay, training your mercs, buying and modding weapons, death and recruiting and finally with Phase 5 we added a new class the Cybersword. We’ve received hundreds of in-game bug reports and thousands of pieces of feedback from the community of players.

If you haven’t joined in yet but backed at the Alpha Tier ($60 or higher), let us know! Reach out to us here, on Kickstarter or on our Discord (type max!addrole after joining if you included your Discord username in the Kickstarter survey, or DM @Liviana for help getting set up).

Matrix Mk2 Prototype
As we approach Alpha Phase 6, we have completed the first Matrix Mk2 prototype. This prototype hits a number of our key goals for Matrix Mk2:

  • Digital Battleground -- a completely new tactical challenge awaits your hacker in the matrix. Terminals across the RL map lead to small and large computer hosts, tasked with everything from controlling a door to storing trade secrets. Your hacker must load up their programs to scan, search, slice through quantum nodes, override security and battle potentially deadly IC to find the target -- priceless paydata, control over security systems, doors or even the AI’s Alarm system.
  • Extensive Hacker Build Options -- your hacker will be building out a deck, hand-picking programs, installing cyberware add-ons and training on a class tree that compliments and improves their use of entire families of programs. Mix programs and class training to build a hyper-aggro hacker who smashes enemy IC or an ultra stealth hacker who ghosts through quantum nodes unseen. Decks are linked in loadouts, allowing multiple decks per hacker and multiple hackers per team.
  • Multi-turn hacks -- Hackers may slice into a terminal and hack across the Matrix while their meat body sleeps. If the hack is hard enough it will take multiple turns so it is up to the team to keep the hacker safe by distracting or fending off security in a gunfight. Your Soldier may be screaming, “Jack out now -- We can’t hold them!” but does the slumped hacker even really hear him?


Friday - January 21, 2022

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Alpha Phase 2

by Redglyph, 21:13

Trese Brothers posted a recap of phase 1 and showed what to expect in phase 2.

Alpha Phase 2 Now Live!

Alpha Phase 0, Phase 1 (tactical mission) and Phase 2 (training progression) and more!

The Cyber Knights: Flashpoint alpha launched very successfully. Several hundred of you have started playing and providing feedback. This starts a massive new phase of the project -- the march to Steam Early Access release. We’re hearing so much daily about the fun & challenge, surprises, and ideas for improvement; it’s amazing. This is a huge step forward for the project and another moment to look back and thank all of our backers who helped make this possible.


Alpha Phase 1 Recap

From our in-game analytics:

  • Total Games Played: 1500
  • Total Missions Completed: 300
  • Loot Boxes Looted: 1,122
  • Turns Processed: 5,535
  • FPS Checks Performed: 186,000+
  • Total Alpha Events Recorded: 298,000+

Phase 1 focused on the core tactical gameplay experience — the mix of stealth and combat — and your team’s ability to pull off its first heist. Phase 1 was limited to:

  • A team of 3 mercs — armed to the teeth and ready to go
  • One multi-stage mission to attempt
  • A tiny slice of the game without any leveling, recruiting, healing, story, contacts, etc.
  • No built-in replayability (had to start a new character)

Now after running for 10 days, Phase 1 is over and it’s time for --

Alpha Phase 2 Launches!

With each phase, the scope of gameplay will increase and more systems will be available to the alpha players. Alpha phases help us put a spotlight on different areas of the game; phase 2 is all about training your team and trying out new angles of stealth and combat gameplay. With a new heist mission available, the option to repeat missions, and the ability to level up your squad -- Phase 2 is significantly bigger than Phase 1.

  • Skill trees for your three mercs are now available
  • Two multi-stage missions to attempt
  • Replay missions with the same squad to level up (up to level 6), try new ways with new abilities


Thursday - January 06, 2022

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Alpha launched

by Hiddenx, 12:07

The Alpha version Cyber Knights: Flashpoint of has been launched by the Trese Brothers:

Alpha Has Launched!

Alpha Phase 0 is a "tech demo" to get everyone registered and test hardware configs

Happy new year and we wanted to shoot a quick note to share our excitement -- Alpha Phase 0 launched last night on January 4th as planned.  We wanted to post a quick update in case anyone missed the email.

Check Your Email for the Invites!
If you are in the alpha team, you should have received both an invitation email from App Center and an email with instructions at the email address you used for Kickstarter. If you do not see them in your inbox, please check your spam folder. If you have questions or didn’t get the email, reach out to us here on Kickstarter or in our Discord (run the “max!addrole” command and then check out the #alpha channels.)

This initial phase is a tech demo build -- it is NOT the game. It contains and tests everything required (graphics, sound & music, game engine player, all the code libraries, bug reporting, analytics) to play the game on your computer. Starting with this allows us to find any critical bugs in our new game engine on your platforms immediately while we can still focus solely on fixing these issues. It will also allow us to give priority to supporting everyone through sign up and download before we are also supporting the game.

Please take a few minutes today to at least:
find your invite email and sign up through App Center.
join the Discord - it’s our hub for all alpha feedback!
use the max!addrole command in Discord to make sure you can get access to the #alpha channels.

We’ve already had over 200 of you run the tech build; more is helpful but if we could at least get everyone set up in the App Center and Discord it will help us get a playable version to you sooner and keep things running smoothly while everyone’s playtesting. :)


Thanks Henriquejr!

Thursday - December 30, 2021

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - End-of-Year Update

by Redglyph, 19:51

Trese Brothers are sending their wishes and giving a last update for 2021.

End of Year Update

Next steps for the alpha, December updates and happy holidays!

Happy holidays and happy new year. We are here with a quick update outlining the next steps for our alpha community, sharing some of the progress updates from our crazy December and getting a good laugh at ourselves. [...]

Alpha Phases and Duration

As the alpha kicks off in less than a week, we want to make sure everyone’s on the same page about how this will work. We have planned a series of Alpha Phases, starting with a Phase 0 “tech demo” app that will help us identify bugs on different hardware combinations. Then you’ll move on to Phase 1, a limited version of the game that is completely focused on the core player experience (tactical missions). We will provide prompts and seek feedback on this core gameplay loop, then start the process of expanding the available content and systems in the game with new Alpha Phases. With each new Phase, we will provide new prompts and gameplay areas where we are specifically seeking feedback.

Alpha Next Steps

On January 4th, the alpha will start with invitations to download, install and launch a tech demo build for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint. The tech demo build is not the game itself but an app that contains and tests everything required (graphics, sound & music, game engine player, all the code libraries, bug reporting, analytics) to play the game on your computer.


Wednesday - November 03, 2021

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Late Pledge to Join the Alpha

by Redglyph, 12:04

Trese Brothers Games opened a "late pledge" option to participate to the private alpha of Cyber Knights.

Final Chance to Join the Alpha

If you missed the kickstarter, this is your chance to get in to the private alpha!

The private Cyber Knights: Flashpoint alpha is rapidly approaching, where we will welcome over 1,000 players into an early version of the game. These first players will plan heists, recruit and train merc squads, test their mettle against enemy security & AI, put the game and all of its systems through their paces. Their feedback will help us update the game like crazy and make it better every week.

Almost as soon as the Kickstarter ended, we started hearing from many players — "I don't know how I missed it, is there any way I can still join the alpha?"

So we're excited to offer one final chance to become a backer and join the Cyber Knights: Flashpoint alpha. We're opening up late pledges through Backerkit. It's a $60 pledge, and comes with all the same rewards and privileges as the pledge level did when the Kickstarter was live.

While this pledge level does include a full copy of the game on release, we'd encourage you not to use it as a pre-order. As much as we appreciate the support, we're really offering the alpha as a way to be involved in shaping the game.

But if you're already a member of the private alpha and know an equally passionate gamer who'd love the chance to help shape an upcoming squad tactics / cyberpunk heist RPG, feel free to share this final chance to join. ;)


(Link to the original KS for the lower-tier information)

Saturday - October 02, 2021

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - September & Schedule Update

by Redglyph, 10:08

Trese Brothers have posted news on the alpha launch date, the development progress, and a few words on the rewards.

Highlighting cut-scene director, new class abilities, stealth system balance and latest alpha schedule update


Alpha Launch Date!

As a team, we have decided to launch the alpha on January 4th, 2022.

A slight adjustment -- our last major schedule update did say the alpha would be ready by the end of 2021. We were pretty sure then it would end up in late Q4, and the more items we cross off the to-do list, the more accurate that looks: late Q4. Based on what’s remaining and our current estimates, it looks like we will end up checking the final checkboxes just before the end of the year. But, with October and November still ahead we are uncomfortable having so little margin of error in that estimate.

And as many of you know, the start of the alpha is the start of a non-stop process for Trese Brothers. With a thousand players potentially firing up the game there are sure to be early issues we can’t discover on our own. Every issue you find we will want to fix ASAP. Trying to do that over a holiday season doesn’t seem realistic. With the Steam Holiday sales and winter travel, it becomes impossible. We’ve settled on a date just past the new years line and hope you’ll agree this is the best thing for the alpha’s success.

We are so eager to share this game with you and hear what you think! Hope you’re just as excited to start 2022 with Cyber Knights: Flashpoint.


Friday - September 03, 2021

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - August Update

by Redglyph, 11:34

Trese Brothers posted an update of their progress on Cyber Knights: Flashpoint, with a focus on the look of the cybernetic accessories, the job types vs their talent bonuses and weapon variety. They also share an excerpt of their August Executive Producers #8, then conclude with a review the stretch goal progress and the rewards.

August Progress Update

A day late and a dollar short might get you shot below the streets of the New Boston Zone but we’re hoping it doesn't come to that :D We’ve wrapped up our August sprints and are rallying to charge into September. The game’s development is cranking along daily and we’re still on pace for our Q4 release deadline for the Kickstarter alpha crew.
For this month’s update, we’ll highlight 3 big areas we’ve improved and share a cut of the latest Executive Producers meeting video.

Progress Highlights

This month we’ve hit an exciting tipping point on the visual display for character cybernetic accessories and display. It took some final updates to our shaders, new blend shapes, a new texture mask and some cool new 3D models for certain pieces, but things are starting to look very augmented around here.

Throughout August, we’ve also been refining job trees and what kind of Talent bonuses they can provide. We’ve completed another design pass to clearly delineate what bonuses are granted by job trees, backstories, and attributes versus those which are granted by cyberware, gear and (on the field of battle) Talents. The following extra additions have also helped us carve out even more exciting and unique space for each of your merc’s Job types and further amped the appeal of cross-Jobbing.

  • We've added new Passive Talent types such as a hook when a character gets missed by an attack (Passive OnMissed), a hook when you get Downed in battle (down but not dead, Passive OnDowned) and a hook if your armor suffers a cracking hit (Passive OnArmorCrit) are all rounding out the Passive Talent category
  • We've enabled Passive Talents to do more than just give bonuses, they’re able to react and initiate a free reload, for example.
  • We've added more Talent rules and special clauses, such as a Sniper’s Take Position Talent which will stay active for 3 Turns unless the Sniper moves (and therefore, leaves the position) or a Cyber Knight's Quantum Assault which can only target and affect drones.

In a similar vein, we’ve been reviewing and tuning the game’s weapon variety, working hard to ensure every weapon class stands alone and offers unique strategic advantages and drawbacks when used -- optimal range bands, unique takes on Action Point economy, variation of firing modes like full auto and more. On top of that, we've rolled in some of the needed special rules -- Railguns now cut through enemy cover up to 10% while mercs carrying Pistols and SMG are allowed to fire these light weapons even if they lack the full AP cost of their entire attack. Powerful energy weapons -- like plasma rifles -- that bring a limited number of shots to the battle and can never be reloaded also add a major dose of spice to the weapon options.


Tuesday - June 15, 2021

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - May Progress Report

by Silver, 05:15

The May progress report for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint talks about production milestones.


We’re waving goodbye to May and welcoming June and so it is time for another monthly progress report. We’ve been in a ton of areas, including improvements in animation integration, level building and automation tooling to help our team develop content for the game faster.

May Progress

During May we made substantial progress testing our over-map story and dialog system which is used to inject story events and mission chatter directly into the game map. This required some new loading and asset management code, to ensure that both characters on the map and characters off the map (like your team’s Face and Contacts) were still able to appear correctly.

Another feature that saw significant improvement during May is the snap to cover movement mechanic. While Cyber Knights: Flashpoint is tileless, we’ve found in testing that a snap-to-cover mechanic is a necessary one to ensure player’s expectations are met in regards to taking cover and controlling sight lines. When combined with raycast based line of sight detection and feedback about targets, snap-to-cover gives us a best of both worlds hybrid with the benefits of tiles where players would use them, and with the freedom of tileless where players would want it.

Our animation team is completing an overhaul of the weapon’s targeting suite during May to allow characters to raise or lower their weapons up to 45 degrees when selecting high or low targets. Using reference frames and additive animation techniques, the engine can dynamically slide across the scale between straight out aiming to high or low or anywhere in between.

As our first set of playable levels comes together, we’re working hard to make sure they’re as beautiful as they are playable. We’ve just completed our first four ambient-only lighting setups which will act as the baseline lighting for different levels and thematic feelings established. Unity provides a rich set of tools for both lighting and color grading and we’re experimenting with different tools to apply LUT and color correction in both cut-scenes and gameplay.

Sea green, Day Blue, Dark Night and Radioactive Haze

May also included some heavy lifting on our shader implementation which is a critical pre-alpha task. Finalized physically based rendering (PBR) shaders that are both performant and beautiful and still support our feature requirements are necessary for all the Cyber Knights: Flashpoint platforms to live together. We’re experimenting with replacing our custom, hand-built shaders with more flexible ones created in Amplify Shader Editor which might give us more flexibility as we approach the wide variety of platforms and hardware in our target set.

Our team has grown substantially for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint, but the core machinery of the studio is still the two of us, Andrew and Cory. We don’t really plan to change that for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint, and so we continue to put a major focus on automation wherever possible. In May, one area that got some serious attention was the Level Builder’s light probe placement and alignment system. The levels and environments you’ve previously seen us demonstrate and show off to Executive Producers and Twitch streams have all used manually placed probes, which we’ve found takes a lot of time to create and maintain. Recognizing that we will need MANY levels for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint to live up to our ambition, we’ve created a new light probe automation layer that will save many hours and deliver a level of fidelity in probe placement that would be challenging to achieve consistently by hand. 

Each dot in the screenshot is a light probe -- I think we want to automate this one :D


Thanks Farflame!

Monday - November 16, 2020

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Early Access 2021

by Silver, 11:42

PC Gamer reports on Cyber Knights: Flashpoint saying that it plans to release into Early Access Summer 2021.


Indie developers Trese Brothers are set to release their second game in 2021, a cyberpunk tactical RPG titled Cyber Knights: Flashpoint. Cyber Knights will interweave the story of an elite team of "hackers, mercs and thieves" with deep game systems and XCOM-esque tactical combat that includes stealth and hacking. The kicker is that the game has procedural elements, much like Trese Brothers' highly-regarded previous game Star Traders: Frontiers. These generated elements in the story and combat mean that Cyber Knights aims to be highly replayable, giving you a new cyberpunk story each time.

Asked to say what makes Cyber Knights stand out from other tactical RPGs, developer Andrew Trese told PC Gamer that it was an emphasis on "Deep systems and extreme replayability," noting that it had "Heist-style missions with a distinct planning phase and balanced mix of stealth, hacking and combat in encounters."


Tuesday - June 16, 2020

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - June Update

by Silver, 02:57

The June update for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint announces the Snow Leopard and additional language support.

June Progress Update

Trese Brothers GamesCreator
June 15, 2020


It has been a little longer than we expected since the last update -- a month and 3 days -- but we’ve got a massive slew of news today including new artwork, the snow leopard reveal, exciting language pack plans, details about the first upcoming Exec Producers meeting, reward deliveries and more. We've got at least one more Kickstarter update scheduled before the end of June, so we'll keep the pace a little more snappy.

With that much to cover, let’s get going!

Introducing the Snow Leopard!

Thanks to all of our backers, we unlocked cyber cats and the Assassin Job at the $225,000 stretch goal. Even better, we decided to unlock the additional cat breed from the $235,000 goal as well -- because, two cats are better than one! And then, in a run off between three possibilities, you voted for the Snow Leopard to be the additional cat breed.

And that leads us to today, where the concept art team -- led by some cat lovers! -- has delivered this amazing piece for the snow leopard design. What a beast! Clearly, this will not be an easy cat to find and recruit, but to have such a majestic animal at your Assassin’s side will never grow old.

Announcing Plans for Language Pack Support!

Since the close of the Kickstarter, we’ve been extremely busy building new engine components and adapting our workflows and content building systems for Cyber Knights. These are some major tasks that will set the foundation of Cyber Knights and include items like rewriting our UI toolkit and establishing a proper text management system within Unity.

Each of our future Kickstarter updates is likely to touch on the results of some of these major engineering tasks. Today, we’re excited to share our plans and progress for translating Cyber Knights: Flashpoint into many languages. Despite being only available in English, our previous game Star Traders: Frontiers has a large international fanbase and we’ve always hoped to be able to translate the game for those players. However, this is much easier when we have a fresh start and this Kickstarter and Cyber Knights has afforded us that opportunity.



Sunday - May 17, 2020

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Interview @Hardcore Droid

by Silver, 10:05

Hardcore Droid interviewed the devs of Cyber Knights: Flashpoint.


Flashpoint will feature a diverse set of character classes with unique traits. What philosophies do you take into balancing elements like leveling and character class?

Andrew Trese: At a high level in the game, we are balancing player agency—picking the exact bonuses from your level and class—with gameplay-driven impacts like gaining Traits in reaction to your actions or things that happen to you like getting shot or shredded. The interplay between these two create all sorts of new opportunities and enticing angles for players to explore. It’s one of the most exciting parts of our core RPG system which we call the Motivation Engine.

Your promotional materials suggest the game might come to consoles as well—have you spoken with any representatives at Sony, Nintendo or Microsoft?

Cory Trese: We have had some preliminary discussions, and we have a good working relationship with Microsoft, Nintendo and in the past, Sony. We’re working on a port of Star Traders: Frontiers to the Nintendo Switch and we discussed an Xbox port with Microsoft. Nothing is certain for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint, and that’s why we didn’t make any firm promises in the Kickstarter, but based on our experience with Star Traders: Frontiers we believe those ports are pretty likely.

Do you have any interest in developing multiplayer games in the future?

Cory Trese: We absolutely do have multiplayer dreams. We both have enough experience as software engineers to know that multiplayer isn’t free—and supporting multiplayer infrastructure to a level we’d be proud of won’t be easy or free. For us to release a multiplayer game, we’d need to be confident that it could live up to our standards of quality and support over the long-term. Secretly I want to make sci-fi ARGP MMOs but I’m not willing to bankrupt the company trying to make them.

Thanks Farflame!

Monday - March 09, 2020

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Preview @Hardcore Droid

by Silver, 20:27

Hardcore Droid previewed Cyber Knights: Flashpoint.

Time to Fight

Missions in Cyber Knights will be both handcrafted and procedurally generated. So you can replay a quick scavenger run multiple times and enjoy a fresh experience every time. Or you can reattempt a more complex operation using different tactics to try for a different outcome.

Prepping before heading into a mission can mean the difference between victory or failure. In order to nudge the odds of success in your favor, it will often be advisable to bribe a security agent, forge security passes, hit up a contact for a stolen passcode, or purchase a virus from a hacker to disrupt the security network of your next target.

Weaponry in the game is stronger than defensive armor. This means that taking hits even a few times during a firefight can lead to serious injuries to squad members or, even worse, elimination from the fight. So your goal is to not get hit. You will need to use traditional turn-based tactics such as combining long- and short-range weapon use and taking advantage of cover, high ground, and overwatch if you want to come out victorious. Utilizing the game’s stealth mechanics to take out lone enemies without alerting their comrades will also be key in gaining the upper hand during missions.


Thanks Farflame!

Thursday - February 06, 2020

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Stretch Goals

by Silver, 10:59

Cyber Knights Flashpoint has funded in 12 hours and has posted stretch goals.

Reddit AMA Schedule for 2/6/2020

Andrew and I will be hosting an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit tomorrow in the /r/pcgaming subreddit at 11AM EST. Watch our Twitter, Discord and Kickstarter page for links to the Reddit around that time. In attendance will be myself, Cory Trese (Design, Development, Dinosaurs) and my brother, Andrew Trese (Creative Director, Art Director, Pumas) answering any questions you might have. We’ll be around for at least the first four hours, and then we’ll jump over to Twitch …

Twitch Stream: History of Trese Brothers!

Trese Brothers has led Andrew and I on a pretty wild adventure between 2010 and 2020, and “How did you get here?” is a question we’ve heard from backers this week. We figured one of the best ways to share that journey is to sit down and tell the story, together. We’ll be co-hosting a Trese Brothers stream on Twitch, at 4PM EST. There will be stories, jokes, toasts and roasts as we recount the decade that made Trese Brothers what it is.


Monday - February 03, 2020

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Live on Kickstarter

by Hiddenx, 21:42

The Kickstarter campaign for Cyber Knights: Flashpoint started today:

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Live on Kickstarter


Cyber Knights: Flashpoint is a turn-based squad tactics RPG for PC (Windows, Mac, Linux) and mobile (Android, iOS).

Explore the dystopian cyberpunk future of 2231 as you command a company of shadow mercenaries working for the highest bidder. Cyber Knights wraps a world full of consequential story choices and significant character development around a rich core of classic and new mechanics.
The game combines tactical elements like stealth, hacking and tense combat with strategic features like base building, contact management and in-depth squad customization. Cyber Knights invites you to jack in and explore a unique cyberpunk world and the immersive, human stories of your merc team in the dark future of 2231.


Thursday - January 30, 2020

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint - Coming to Kickstarter February 3rd

by Silver, 20:44

Trese Brothers have announced that Cyber Knights: Flashpoint is coming to Kickstarter February 3rd.


Cyber Knights: Flashpoint is a turn-based squad tactics gameset in the dystopian cyberpunk future of 2231.

  • Gridless tactical combat
  • Multi-layered character and load out customization
  • Hack, sneak and battle through complex heist-like missions
  • Cutting cyberpunk story of human drama
  • Build a team, risk it all
  • Coming to Kickstarter on February 3rd, 2020

In less than seven days, we will be launching our next Kickstarter, Cyber Knights: Flashpoint, for PC (Windows, Mac, Linux) and mobile (Android, iOS)! The campaign will go live and start accepting pledges at noon EST on Monday, February 3rd.

As a member of our core community, we want to ask for your commitment to pledge on day ONE so that we can have the strongest launch possible.

As a special incentive, If you back Cyber Knights within the first 48 hours of the campaign, you’ll receive a digital code to unlock the starting storyline expander, “Horizon Cypher”. This optional expanded storyline adds a major twist to your first weeks after your cybernetic surgery and transformation into a Cyber Knight. 

Thanks you!

Information about

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Developer: Trese Brothers Games

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Cyberpunk
Genre: RPG
Combat: Turn-based
Play-time: Unknown
Voice-acting: Unknown

Regions & platforms
· Homepage
· Platform: PC
· To be announced
· Publisher: Trese Brothers Games