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D&D Online: Updates @ Official Site

by Inauro, 2006-07-12 02:03:00
From the headlines at the official Dungeons and Dragons site today:<br><br><a href="[module]=article&pagebuilder[display_item]=468" target="_blank">DDO Stratics HoC</a>.<blockquote><em>Join the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ONLINEa c: Stormreacha c Dev Team on Thursday, July 13th at 8:00 PM Eastern for a live IRC Dev Chat with <a href="" target="_blank">Stratics House of Commons</a>. Questions will be taken from the community, so be ready with all your questions regarding the Twilight Forge Module and the future of DDO. <br> <br>Click <a href=",8902," target="_blank">here</a> for more information on how to join the chat. </em></blockquote><a href="[module]=article&pagebuilder[display_item]=469" target="_blank">LFG Enhancements</a>.<blockquote><em>Now its even easier to find a group in DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ONLINEa c: Stormreacha c. Check out the new enhancements to the Social Panel. <br> <br>Looking for a group is now easier than ever. In April we asked how long it took you to find a group using the current grouping tool. You answered and made many great suggestions on how we can modify the design to make it even more effective. Since then, we have added a number of new features to make finding teammates easy and get you into the dungeons as quickly as possible.</em></blockquote><a href="[module]=article&pagebuilder[display_item]=470" target="_blank">Weekly Forum Round-Up</a>.<blockquote><em>The Drow are coming to DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ONLINEa c: Stormreacha c in The Twilight Forge module. Find out information about them, before you play as one. <a href="[module]=article&pagebuilder[display_item]=461" target="_blank">Drow Race Revealed</a>! <br> <br>The Twilight Forge Module introduces the Restless Isles. Explore the depths of the mysterious Restless Isles, and find out what secrets lie dormant inside. <a href="[module]=article&pagebuilder[display_item]=464" target="_blank">Explore the Restless Isles</a></em></blockquote>
Source: D&D Online

Information about

D&D Online

SP/MP: Massive
Setting: Fantasy
Platform: PC
Release: Released
