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Zodiac Legion - Dev Diary

by Hiddenx, 2024-05-15 16:42:45

Couchpotato spotted a new dev diary for Zodiac Legion:

Dev Diary – Level Construction Process

Greetings and salutations, friends!

We’re hard at work on our procedural map generation system, and as we get nearer to having its fully functional first iteration, we figured we could give you a little glimpse behind the scenes and show what the entire process looks like. I’m Maciej, the level designer/loremaster on Zodiac Legion, and here’s my approach to this part of the game.

The whole thing begins with a pencil and paper. I try to think of an arrangement that either feels interesting to me or which we don’t yet have in the game, and then I draw it, keeping in mind the level design constraints and a few gameplay considerations. At this stage, my thinking is only: “is this layout a good point of departure?”, and not “what will this map be?”



Information about

Zodiac Legion

SP/MP: Single-player
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: Tactical RPG
Platform: PC
Release: In development
