Escapist puts Skyrim as #1 RPG in last five years

Oh really… and why was there "so much controversy"… must be that 'reality' thing kicking in again…

You also know full well official reviewers can be bought and sold.

So, you're saying it's factual that all positive reviews are "bought" and all negative reviews are insightful and honest? Simply because you say so, right?

Also, loving your math. 452 positive, 1,000+ negative, some neutral, that would be one third, not one half, which is actually 3.33, not even 4 out of 10, and, probably a more real score once nutters such as yourself have been accounted for in assessing the game's appeal.

I've corrected that already.

Congratulations for being quick to point out the flaw though :)

At least it's something factual out of you.

Could you answer my question though? Why is it not ok for Escapist to agree with the vast majority of critics and a THIRD of the users voting on Metacritic.
Nope, I didn't say 'all', I just said "we all know it goes on". But thanks for using falsehoods once again, seems to be a theme with you...

Why would you rate reviewer scores above user scores? Knowing full well official reviews 'can' be bought and sold...
Feb 10, 2014
Nope, I didn't say 'all', I just said "we all know it goes on". But thanks for using falsehoods once again, seems to be a theme with you…

Why would you rate reviewer scores above user scores? Knowing full well official reviews 'can' be bought and sold…

Why mention they can be bought and sold if you're not talking about them all? If it's only "some" - then why are the opinions not valuable? Explain that.

I don't rate them higher or lower. But most critics have at least some knowledge of gaming and the history of gaming. User reviews can be made with absolutely no insight whatsoever - and they're under absolutely NO obligation to state an honest opinion, which I'm pretty sure most people would expect from a professional. Since you're so fond of talking about obligations - why are you ignoring it here?

But - again - why is it NOT ok for Escapist to agree with critics and a large part of the users?

Could you answer that?
So you deny financial incentive takes place?

I'm sure it does - but I can't know when - and I don't think it's plausible that every critic in the world who likes DA2 is corrupt simply because you don't agree with him or her.

Do you deny that user reviews can be extremely biased and that the vote can also represent a dishonest or exaggerated opinion?

Why is it NOT ok for Escapist to agree with critics and a large portion of the user base?
I'm sure it does - but I can't know when - and I don't think it's plausible that every critic in the world who likes DA2 is corrupt simply because you don't agree with him or her.

Do you deny that user reviews can be extremely biased and that the vote can also represent a dishonest or exaggerated opinion?

Why is it NOT ok for Escapist to agree with critics and a large portion of the user base?

Well now... what am I basing my 'opinions' (facts) on? Let's see:

I liked DA: Origins. I didn't like DA2. I went on-line (after I had determined this) to see what other people thought. Without question, everywhere I went I found 'general opinion' to be pretty much "it's effing awful" with the occasional guy saying "heeeey, it's not THAT bad".

I looked at the critics versus the user reviews. I felt insulted by the critics and felt vindicated in my opinion by the user reviews. I looked at the sales figures, big on release day, tanked almost immediately after that, which vindicated my thoughts (I bought it well down the line).

If I am having this experience and I'm just a guy, I feel pretty damn confident that the owners of Escapist would have exactly the same experience and knowledge, only more so, to the point of exactitude as to where the game precisely fails really so hard.

Now... let's look at your 'opinion':

A few critics liked it, some people liked it and the owners of a publication can say anything they want so there.

I'm done here.
Feb 10, 2014
Well now… what am I basing my 'opinions' (facts) on? Let's see:

I liked DA: Origins. I didn't like DA2. I went on-line (after I had determined this) to see what other people thought. Without question, everywhere I went I found 'general opinion' to be pretty much "it's effing awful" with the occasional guy saying "heeeey, it's not THAT bad".

You obviously didn't look very closely, as a lot of people liked it very much. Once again, a third of the users who voted on Metacritic gave it a positive score. That's the "occasional" mediocre score you found, right? ;)

Confirmation bias ring a bell?

I looked at the critics versus the user reviews. I felt insulted by the critics and felt vindicated in my opinion by the user reviews. I looked at the sales figures, big on release day, tanked almost immediately after that, which vindicated my thoughts (I bought it well down the line).

Yes, you used your own personal opinion about the game as a guage about whether critics were being honest or not. It didn't occur to you that they might have liked things about it that you didn't like - and they didn't care about things you disliked.

That's called being closed-minded and conceited.

Meaning, once again, that you can't get past yourself and you can't accept a reality where people don't agree with you. They must be wrong or paid off.

If I am having this experience and I'm just a guy, I feel pretty damn confident that the owners of Escapist would have exactly the same experience and knowledge, only more so, to the point of exactitude as to where the game precisely fails really so hard.

Yes, you feel confident that Escapist would agree with you - because…. well, because otherwise they wouldn't agree with you. Obviously, you consider your own opinion flawless and the only correct one.

A few critics liked it, some people liked it and the owners of a publication can say anything they want so there.

A few? You mean most of the critics liked it - and a third of the people voting on Metacritic liked it.

This simply means that a LOT of people seem to like it. I certainly can't establish that they don't.

As such, it would be completely irrational and unreasonable to consider the game objectively bad.

I'm done here.

That's ok. I know that your refusal to answer my simple and direct questions means you're going to have to confront your own position on this.

Take your time - and when you've grown up enough to realise that the opinion of other people aren't necessarily incorrect or corrupt - just because they don't match your own biased perception of reality - I'll be here, ready to embrace your new open state of mind.

I'm glad to have been of help here ;)
You lie, you make falsehoods, you're a hypocrite in it's worst form, you will say absolutely anything to force a point that is incorrect in every single way.

And you will just keep repeating the lie until someone insults you. And then you say this is 'normal'?

Good God you're a fucking twat.

We all have points here and there, Poll Pot probably had a point here or there...
Feb 10, 2014
I don't know how to tell you this, but I can't invest a whole lot in an opinion as skewed as yours.

I mean, if it makes you feel better calling me a twat over and over - using curse words, I'll happily endorse it. Pol Pot/Hitler/Stalin - psychotic mass murderer and so on. It's cute - keep it coming ;)

You failed to argue your case - and that happens. No need to cry about it :)

But, as I said, if it makes you feel better - I'm all for it!
For the sake of what remains of the thread, I'll leave you to it.

But I'm glad you've finally shown your true colors for all to see - without pretending to understand what it means to argue in a calm, rational manner ;)
Oh, I'm sorry are you getting completely and utterly bored of someone just repeating an insult...? you twat.
Feb 10, 2014
6 out of 10 rpgwatch members don't like this thread, so that makes it objectively bad.

The 4 out of 10 that like it don't matter.

I can say this because I'm an individual and not a publication.

Dart is a twat. ( not my personal opinion but according to this thread)

I think I understand this thread, or wait what was this thread about? Skyrim or something?;)

Good show guys but you owe me a half hour of my life.:lol:
6 out of 10 rpgwatch members don't like this thread, so that makes it objectively bad.

The 4 out of 10 that like it don't matter.

I can say this because I'm an individual and not a publication.

Dart is a twat. ( not my personal opinion but according to this thread)

I think I understand this thread, or wait what was this thread about? Skyrim or something?;)

Good show guys but you owe me a half hour of my life.:lol:

Hey, at least you passed time reading about twats and what not ;)

I wish I had a counterpart - so I could be entertained by longwinded drivel to the same extent :)
I love how random people always show up at the end of a discussion and berate the fact that there was a discussion rather than attempt to digest the discussion and offer their own conclusion.

Oh, it's just two people going at each other LOL well, that was entertaining...

Yes, the thread's about joxer surprised someone's put Skyrim number one on a list, which isn't really that surprising, so people talked about the rest of the list.

I'm guessing you're one of those people that thinks DArt has 'ocassional good points yo make' because you aren't able to digest a conversation beyond "that was entertaining"?
Feb 10, 2014
Hey, at least you passed time reading about twats and what not ;)

I wish I had a counterpart - so I could be entertained by longwinded drivel to the same extent :)

I could try but I don't have the stamina.

Um...For the long winded drivel thing, not the twat thing.:lol::blush:
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