Amber Earrings (AMBEAR)

AMBER EARRINGS Special: +2 to Armor Class Memorize 2 Additional 1st Level Mage Spells Weight: 0 Usable only by Mages Usable only by Nameless One These earrings are made from hardened sap of the razor vine. When properly prepared, items made from this substance can be enchanted with powerful spells of protection.
Value: 1500
Anarchist Earring #1 (ANEAR1)

ANARCHIST EARRING #1 Special: +1 to Charisma Weight: 0 Usable only by Nameless One This earring is one of four, each with its own special ability. They are designed to enable the wearer to escape detection from the law, or to persuade others to aid the Anarchist in his pursuit of freedom for all. Note that these earrings, while useful, are not exactly subtle in declaring allegiance to the Revolutionary League. This particular earring makes you more attractive, more persuasive, and better able to infiltrate the strongholds of the overweening power structure.
Value: 750
Anarchist Earring #2 (ANEAR2)

ANARCHIST EARRING #2 Invokes: "Blindness" Weight: 0 This earring is one of four, each with its own special ability. They are designed to enable their wearer to escape detection from the law, or to persuade others to aid the Anarchist in his pursuit of freedom for all. Note that these earrings, while useful, are not exactly subtle in declaring allegiance to the Revolutionary League. This particular earring causes blindness in the target creature. Use it carefully.
Value: 750
Anarchist Earring #3 (ANEAR3)

ANARCHIST EARRING #3 Special: Immunity to Panic Weight: 0 This earring is one of four, each with its own special ability. They are designed to enable their wearer to escape detection from the law, or to persuade others to aid the Anarchist in his pursuit of freedom for all. Note that these earrings, while useful, are not exactly subtle in declaring allegiance to the Revolutionary League. This particular earring allows its user to function with a clear mind against the terrors of enemies.
Value: 750
Anarchist Earring #4 (ANEAR4)

ANARCHIST EARRING #4 Invokes: "Pacify" Weight: 0 This earring is one of four, each with its own special ability. They are designed to enable their wearer to escape detection from the law, or to persuade others to aid the Anarchist in his pursuit of freedom for all. Note that these earrings, while useful, are not exactly subtle in declaring allegiance to the Revolutionary League. This particular earring allows its owner to overpower its target with a mental barrage, leaving the target weak-minded and vulnerable.
Value: 750
Ancient Copper Earring (Closed) (COPEARC)

ANCIENT COPPER EARRING (CLOSED) Weight: 0 Unusable (Closed) This copper earring looks ancient. Oddly enough, there doesn't seem to be a hook or any means of actually attaching it to your ear. A series of strange grooves have been carved on the inside of the earring, however, which might merit a closer examination. NOTE: If you're ever capable of examining an object further, or performing an action on the object outside of the world screen, a "USE" button will appear for the object on this examine screen. This button allows you to manipulate it through a dialogue screen. If you wish to examine the grooves on the earring further, select the USE button below.
Value: 50
Ancient Copper Earring (Hollow) (COPEARO)

ANCIENT COPPER EARRING (HOLLOW) Weight: 0 This ancient copper earring has a series of grooves cut along the inside. Although there doesn't appear to be an obvious way to wear it, it can be unlocked by hooking your fingernail into the third groove from the top and pressing inwards. Not only does this allow the earring to be worn, but it also opens up a hollow compartment inside the earring where messages or other small items can be stored. The earring might be worth more to a merchant as a result.
Value: 200
Chained-Teeth Earrings (LOCKPICK)

CHAINED-TEETH EARRINGS Special: +5% Open Locks Skill Bonus Weight: 0 Usable only by Thieves Perhaps the idea that Annah would wear anything solely for ornamental value makes you suspicious of these earrings. Upon closer examination, you discover these thin metal earrings are actually a series of well-crafted lockpicks. If need be, you can unhook them and use them to pick open stubborn locks. NOTE: These earrings will only add to your Open Locks skill when they are equipped.
Value: 100
Copper Earring (COPEAR)

COPPER EARRING Weight: 0 This crude copper circlet looks like it was the victim of an eager lover... or something that enjoys eating metal... for it is bent on one side and bears teeth marks.
Value: 50
Crimson Sphere Earring (CRIMSEAR)

CRIMSON SPHERE EARRING Special: +10% Resistance Fire +5% Resistance to Magical Fire Weight: 0 Not usable by Ignus This small red gem set into this earring acts like a heat sponge, protecting the wearer from heat or flame attacks. Whenever the wearer is exposed to fire, the gem draws some of the heat into itself, shielding its wearer from part of the damage. It is rumored that each of these earrings holds a tiny fire mephit inside, and that they are so starved for heat that they will drink deep of any fire in the vicinity. This has never been proven, mostly because no one really cares to investigate the matter.
Value: 500
Dustman Earring (DUSTEAR)

DUSTMAN EARRING Special: +30% Resistance to Cold +30% Resistance to Magical Cold +30% Resistance to Fire +30% Resistance to Magical Fire +2 Saving Throw vs. Death Magic Weight: 0 Usable only by Dustmen This earring has the smell of ash and dust about it and is icy cold to the touch. When worn, the earring shields the wearer from temperature extremes, granting the wearer partial resistance to heat and cold. Furthermore, the earring also protects the wearer from mind-influencing magics and magics that attack the body, including paralyzation and death magic. The earring signifies the wearer's allegiance to the Dustmen and can only be worn by a member of the Dustman faction. According to rumor, this earring helps dull the Dustmen to the effects of the outside world.
Value: 500
Fall-From-Grace's Earrings (GEARRING)

FALL-FROM-GRACE'S EARRINGS Special: +1 to All Saving Throws +5% Resistance to Magic Weight: 0 Usable only by Females These are Fall-From-Grace's earrings. They give her a slight amount of protection from spells and other magic, and like almost everything else, they look really good on her.
Value: 500
Gold Earring (GOLEAR)

GOLD EARRING Weight: 0 This simple gold pendant may have once hung from a nobleman's ear.
Value: 200
Indep Earring (INDEPEAR)

INDEP EARRING Special: +1 to Armor Class +1 to All Saving Throws +1 to Save vs. Spells Immunity to Confusion Weight: 0 Usable only by Indeps This barbed earring marks the wearer as a member of the Indep faction. This earring is the home of an independent spirit which accompanies the wearer and does its best to protect him from harm. Whenever possible, the spirit gives its wearer a mental nudge to get them out of harm's way... the tiny counseling spirit provides the user with +1 to all Saving Throws, and its mere presence gives the wearer an additional bonus to avoid spells and confusion effects. Many of these enchanted items were made in the bazaars of Sigil by a silversmith from Oerth, who had found a way of shaping metal in such a way that it attracted 'free spirits' to the metal and caused them to take up residence there. The spirit is not bound to the earring by any means; from what scholars have determined, there is something about the earring that the spirits find "cozy."
Value: 500
Obsidian Earring (OBEAR)

OBSIDIAN EARRING Special: +10% Stealth Skill Bonus Weight: 0 Usable only by Thieves This small earring is made from polished obsidian. Despite the smoothness of its surface, it reflects no light whatsoever. Commonly referred to as "a rogue's best friend," the black gem this earring is made from possesses magical properties that absorb light, making it easier for its wearer to move undetected in the shadows.
Value: 250
Rule-of-Three Earring (TEARRING)

RULE-OF-THREE EARRING Minor Copper Blessing Weight: 0 You received this small earring from folding a note in the mouth of one of the walking corpses in the Mortuary. It's a beautiful earring, but despite its beauty, all it seems to do is remind you how strange this world you've woken up in is. This earring carries a minor blessing from one of the gods of wealth on some backwater prime world; when held in the hand and the word "copper" is whispered, it gives the wearer 33 copper commons. This blessing can be used three times before the enchantment is exhausted.
Value: 150
Silver Earring (EAR01)

SILVER EARRING Weight: 0 This is a small silver earring you recovered from the drunken harlot outside the Smoldering Corpse Bar.
Value: 50
Silver Earring (SILEAR)

SILVER EARRING Weight: 0 This simple silver circlet earring has faint engravings on its surface, but you can't make out the designs.
Value: 100
Stinger Earring (STINGEAR)

STINGER EARRING Special: +2 to Armor Class +2 to Armor Class vs. Piercing Attacks Weight: 0 This earring has been made from the hardened shell of a segmented, larva-like creature. Its shell has been treated with some sort of glazed finish that makes it look disturbingly alive. The wire that hooks to the ear looks like it is part of the larva itself, perhaps its stinger or antenna. To activate the earring's power, the wearer must prick his thumb with the stinger, allowing it to bond with its new owner. When "awakened," this earring helps protect the wearer from attacks, giving the wearer's skin the same strength and durability of the larva's shell.
Value: 1250