"Optix" (LENS11)

"OPTIX" (Cursed Minor Artifact) Invokes: "Knock" Special: +2 to Damage +15% Critical Hit Chance +1 Luck THAC0: +2 to Missile Weapons Weight: 0 Usable only by Modrons Nordom's Crossbows are not the only gear spirits to have fled from Mechanus - Optix, a somewhat older and more curmudgeonly gear spirit, has been living his last few centuries in an alchemy lab in Sigil. When the alchemist passed away, Optix moved on to various odd jobs, including keg taps, cuckoo clocks, metronomes, corkscrews, and so on, never settling very long in one place. His most recent form, that of a sniper scope, seems to content him for now. Although Optix is an irritating nag to the two younger crossbow gear spirts, he *has* studied the physiology of creatures throughout the Planes. The two youngsters grudgingly admit (with reluctant, strained clicks) that his advice on how to aim for the eyes and other vital areas of creatures is quite valuable. Although it runs contrary to his nature, Optix can actually force itself to be charming to other small mechanical devices... just not for too long . While in Nordom's possession, Optix can be convinced to 'talk' to any locks you encounter and try to persuade them to unlock. This ability is the equivalent of a Knock spell, but it can only be used a certain number of times before Optix gets fed up and refuses to do it anymore. Another unfortunate aspect of Optix's presence is that once he's "comfortable," he doesn't like to come off. A Remove Curse will be needed to pull him off of Nordom's head if he becomes too irritating.
Value: 10000
Beer Goggles (LENS12)

BEER GOGGLES (Cursed) Special: Intoxicates Wearer Immunity to Panic -1 to Damage +10 to Base Hit Points THAC0: -1 to Missile Weapons Weight: 0 Usable only by Modrons Apparently, some modron once foolishly asked a wizard what it was like to be intoxicated, and these goggles were fashioned. When this lens is equipped, the wearer becomes "braver," "stronger," but can't see targets too well, reducing his chances to hit and damage an enemy.
Value: 1
Lens of Confounding (LENS04)

LENS OF CONFOUNDING Special: +2 to Armor Class Weight: 0 Usable only by Modrons This scope possesses a strange ability; it clouds the eyesight of anyone who intends to harm the wearer, making him seem blurry and indistinct to his enemies. The Lens of Confounding makes the wearer harder to hit, giving him a bonus to their Armor Class.
Value: 500
Lens of Inherent Viciousness (LENS02)

LENS OF INHERENT VICIOUSNESS Special: +2 to Damage THAC0: +2 to Missile Weapons Weight: 0 Usable only by Modrons This snap-on magnifying lens somehow seems inherently vicious to you. You can't really explain why this is... you have a strange feeling it's looking at you sometimes, sizing you up.
Value: 600
Lens of Perspicacity (LENS08)

LENS OF PERSPICACITY Special: +1 to Damage +1 Save vs. Spells +3 to Lore Skill THAC0: +1 to Missile Weapons Weight: 0 Usable only by Modrons This powerful lens heightens the perceptions and the thoughts of the wearer when worn. It grants the wearer enhanced deduction abilities, the knowledge of spell-casting (and how to thwart it), and also gives any missile attack greater range and damage.
Value: 1000
Lens of Seeing Double (LENS06)

LENS OF SEEING DOUBLE Special: +8 to Damage THAC0: -2 to Missile Weapons Weight: 0 Usable only by Modrons This bizarre bubble shaped scope has two lenses mounted side by side. When looking through it, everything appears double, which makes it difficult to distinguish which target is the real one. The benefit of the lens, however, is any projectile the user fires at a target IS doubled while he is wearing the lens. When equipped, any projectile fired by the lens-wearer splits into two, doubling its damage.
Value: 2222
Lens of the Bat (LENS07)

LENS OF THE BAT (Cursed) Special: Induces "Blindness" -4 to Damage THAC0: -4 to Missile Weapons Weight: 0 Usably only by Modrons Whether a joke or the result of a bizarre experiment, some insane machinist dabbling in the Art has crafted a lens that "gifts" the user with the vision of a bat. The inventor must have wanted to force the user to appreciate the perspective, as the lens cannot be removed without a Remove Curse spell.
Value: 1
Lens of the Horizon (LENS10)

LENS OF THE HORIZON Special: -50 to Lore Skill THAC0: +5 to Missile Weapons Weight: 0 Usable only by Modrons This aqua-marine lens of this scope is a drop of water of Oceanus. The water drop has been frozen with the reflection of the Elysium's skies on its surface, giving anyone who looks through it the ability to see objects at an incredible distance. It increases the wearer's chance to hit, but it reduces their ability to look closely at objects.
Value: 3000
Magnifying Lens (LENS03)

MAGNIFYING LENS Special: +10 to Lore Skill -2 to Damage THAC0: -2 to Missile Weapons Weight: 0 Usable only by Modrons This snap-on lens is good for examining things up close, but makes for a poor sighting scope.
Value: 200
Nordom's Ocular (LENS01)

NORDOM'S OCULAR THAC0: +1 to Missile Weapons Weight: 0 Usable only by Modrons This snap-on magnifying lens serves as a sighting scope for Nordom's crossbows. It improves his accuracy and looks really intimidating when he slides it down over his left eye.
Value: 250
Retractable Scope (LENS05)

RETRACTABLE SCOPE Special: +1 to Damage THAC0: +2 to Missile Weapons Weight: 0 Usable only by Modrons This intricately designed sighting scope folds up into itself when not in use. When activated, it clamps into place over the user's left eye and immediately begins tracking any targets in range with a series of low, threatening *clicks.* The tracking system gives the user greater accuracy with missile weapons and makes projectiles more damaging.
Value: 750
Stealth Lens (LENS13)

STEALTH LENS Special: Phases Wearer +4 to Armor Class +2 to Armor Class vs. Missile Weapons +2 to All Saving Throws +50% Resistance to Missile Weapons Weight: 0 Usable only by Modrons This scope looks as if it's missing its lens, but in fact, the lens itself is displaced in space: if you use your peripheral vision, you can make it out a few feet to your left, just hanging in space. When this scope is equipped, a portion of the wearer phases out, and he becomes EXTREMELY difficult to hit with missile weapons or spells. Furthermore, the wearer is just hard to see, period; it's almost like he's not all there. Depending on who's wearing this lens, it may complement his personality just fine.
Value: 8000
Time's Eyepiece (LENS09)

TIME'S EYEPIECE Special: +2 to Armor Class +2 to Armor Class vs. Missile Weapons THAC0: +3 to Missile Weapons Weight: 0 Usable only by Modrons This snap-on magnifying lens gives the wearer the ability to see a few seconds into the future, allowing them to anticipate where an opponent will be and dodge incoming attacks. Archers and snipers will have a maddeningly hard time trying to pin down anyone wearing this lens.
Value: 3000