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Pemby's Wand of Many Missiles

Merry by reputation and promiscuous by nature, the half-elven enchantress Pemby Cloudsilk created a great number of wands and staves in her time on Faerun. Pemby kept this wand for herself for personal protection. When she was killed by a jealous lover in 1103 DR, she left the wand to one of her many other suitors, the thief Tamlock of Waterdeep. Tamlock avenged Pemby's death several years later when he killed her murderer with an imperceptibly poisoned blade in a duel.
This wand casts Magic Missile at a target of the user's choice.

Value: 10300


Wand of Armory   

Often confused with another wand of the same name, the Wand of Armory is used to cast protective spells on the user. Unfortunately for the creator of this Wand of Armory, trolls are persistent creatures.
This wand can be used to cast Shield or Ghost Armor on the user.
Not Usable By: Fighter Druid Cleric Thief

Value: 9300


Wand of Corrosion

A trio of wizards worked on this wand using a number of material components they had available to them and more that were relatively easy to acquire. Otterly the Rotund, Mabdek of the Seventh Star, and Yrgon the Moron only crafted the wand so they could sell it. Their long-term goal was the construction of a vast magical research facility based on the designs of the Naturalist Guild in Myth Drannor. Their wand was a greater success than their research facility.
The user of this wand has the choice of casting Death Fog or Acid Storm.

Value: 9220


Wand of Fear

A Wand of Fear strikes terror into the heart of any creature within its target area. This panic is not universal, however, as the stout of heart have been known to resist its magic. Like all wands, the Wand of Fear can only be used a limited number of times before it is destroyed.
Special: Cause enemies to run in fear unless they save vs. spells
Range: 100 ft
Area: 20 ft radius
Duration: 15 rounds
Not usable by: Fighter Thief

Value: 10000


Wand of Fire

The wand will cough forth a huge, burning ball of fire that streaks out to the desired range (to a maximum of 120') and bursts in a fiery, violent blast, just like the fireball spell. The fireball inflicts 6d6 points of damage, but all 1s rolled are counted as 2s. The victim(s) may make a save vs. wands in order to take only half damage. The second ability of the wand is akin to the spell 'Agannazar's Scorcher' in that a column of flame will streak towards the victim inflicting 6D6 +6 damage, with a save vs. wands for half.
Ability 1:
Effect: shoots out a Fireball
Damage: 6D6 (save vs. wands for half)
Range: 90 ft
Area 30 ft radius
Ability 2:
Effect: Agannazar's scorcher
Damage: 6D6 +6 (save vs. wands for half)
Range: 90 ft
Area: 1 creature
Not usable by: Fighter Cleric Druid Thief

Value: 22000


Wand of Freezing Death

This deadly wand was crafted by the wizard Hegthen to protect him from his rival's fire-using minions. Hegthen made frequent use of the wand during his protracted war with his enemy. After ten years of hounding, Hegthen decided to take the battle to his rival, defeating him in one of the most spectacular magical duels ever seen in Suzail's history. As his terms of victory, Hethgen demanded that his enemy's name be magically snuffed out of the memory of all who knew him. His enemy accepted, and later went on to become the Cloaked Flame, a dangerous terrorist, killed by Cormyrean Purple Dragons and War Wizards in 1212 DR.
The user of this wand has the choice of casting Snilloc's Snowball Swarm, Icelance, and Ice Storm.

Value: 12110


Wand of Frost

White crystalline motes spray forth from the wand in a column towards the victim striking square in the chest with numbing force. The temperature inside the column is deadly, and damage is 8d6 (treating all 1s rolled as 2s), with a save vs. wands for half.
Effect: Column of Ice
Damage: 8D6 (save vs. wands for half)
Range: 100
Area: 1 creature
Not usable by: Fighter Cleric Druid Thief

Value: 15000


Wand of the Heavens

This wand will cause a pillar of flame to shoot out of the sky and strike the target of the invoker. The flames will do 6D8 damage to the target (with 1s taken as 2s), unless the target makes a save vs. wands in which case it will take half. The wand only has a certain amount of charges and will be destroyed when they are used.
Effect: Flamestrike
Damage: 6D8 (save vs. wands for half)
Range: 120 ft
Area: 1 creature
Not usable by: Fighter Mage Bard Thief

Value: 15000


Wand of Lightning

The possessor of the wand can discharge a bolt of lightning. As it passes through a creature, it does 6d6 points of damage (treating 1s rolled as 2s), with a save vs. wand for half damage. The bolt will continue through the target and proceed to 'rebound' until expended.
Effect: Lightning bolt
Damage: 6D6 (save vs. wands for half)
Range: 100ft
Area: Path of bolt
Not usable by: Fighter Cleric Druid Thief

Value: 20000


Wand of Magic Missiles

When activated, the wand will eject a missile of magical energy that darts forth and unerringly strike its target. This includes enemy creatures in a melee. The target creature must be seen or otherwise detected to be hit, however, so near-total concealment, such as that offered by arrow slits, can render the spell ineffective. Against a creature, the missile will inflict 1d4+1 points of damage.
Special: 1 magic missile will strike target
Damage: 1D4 +1
Range: 100 ft
Area: 1 creature
Not usable by:

Value: 5000


Wand of Monster Summoning

This wand will summon 12 HD of monsters, which appear within the area of effect and attack the user's enemies. They remain until the spell duration expires, or the monsters are slain. These creatures vanish when slain. If no opponent exists to fight and the wizard can communicate with them, the summoned monsters can perform other services for the summoning wizard.
Effect: Summon 12 HD of monsters
Range: 20 ft
Duration: 2 turns
Not usable by: Fighter Cleric Druid Thief

Value: 25000


Wand of Paralyzation

When used, this wand shoots forth a thin ray of bluish color to a maximum range of 60'. When a creature is touched by the ray, it must roll a save vs. wands in order to avoid being stunned for 10 rounds.
Effect: Stun target unless save vs. wands with -4 penalty
Range: 100 ft
Area: 1 creature
Duration: 10 rounds
Not usable by: Fighter Druid Cleric Thief

Value: 12500


Wand of Sleep

This wand will emit a gold beam of energy at its targets up to a maximum range of 60', effecting a 40' cube. If the target creatures fails their save vs. wands, they will fall into a deep, comatose sleep for 5 turns.
Effect: Sleep unless victim saves vs. wands
Range: 90 ft
Area: 20 ft radius
Duration: 2 turns
Not usable by:

Value: 7500


Wand of Trap Detection

This wand was once in the possession of the half-elven rogue mage Illep the Watchful. Illep, a native of Myth Drannor, used the slender ebon wand to locate the snares and springblades he often encountered during numerous burglaries. Illep was well liked by most people, but a human warrior named Brammel took offense to Illep's foppish manner in a tavern one night. Despite Illep's skill with daggers, the lithe rogue could do little to recover from the axe wound to the upper chest and neck that Brammel dealt him. Brammel was arrested by town guards and the wand was to be returned to Illep's family in Myth Drannor. The small caravan transporting the wand was sacked by human bandits and disappeared from history.
This wand can be used to cast Find Traps for the wielder.
Not usable by: Fighter Druid Cleric Thief

Value: 5100


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    - Halberts & Spears
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    - Level 7
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    - Level 5
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Information about

Icewind Dale

Developer: Black Isle

SP/MP: Single + MP
Setting: Fantasy
Genre: RPG
Combat: Pausable Real-time
Play-time: 40-60 hours
Voice-acting: Partially voiced

Regions & platforms
North America
· Platform: PC
· Released: 2000-06-29
· Publisher: Interplay

More information